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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: She did get to briefly visit the Bean and Donut Coffee Bar. That had people. And pastries.
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 at 02:59:10 pm EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: There were more people than a cave, I suppose.
Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 at 06:35:30 pm EST (Viewed 1130 times)


      We know that the Space Robots collectively have sometimes warded off Galactivac. It's not clear whether one alone can, except that the Dreaming Celestian now has cheat codes beyond those his former partners had.

    He might need more giants to help him.

I'm not sure we've ever really mapped Galactivac's origin or purpose in the Parodyverse.


      The problem is more likely this: if Galactivac could take down the Dreaming Celestian, that would not stop the imperative that has already been triggered; nor has Galactivac any means of stopping it. His only recourse is his go-to move of destroying planets.

    It could wear off eventually?

That switch is pulled.

    Though how would destroying planets stop the imperative, aside form everyone being dead?

Indeed. Galactivac's range of options is really very limited. He could end some planets, a lot of planets, or all the planets. Beyond that he's flailing.


      When Liu Xi went home, the Doomherald should have ceased to exist again. Except that Liu Xi took her new body home with her and it was composed of Exu-stuff that had been temporarily created by the Celestian plane's hospitality systems. Technically, Liu Xi still needs the Doomherald or she would die (it's tough to do that body-making thing once in a day, let alone twice; if she hadn't used Exu-stuff for it she'd be hospitalised right now), so he is still around, caught in a logic glitch in the system.

    He might be happy about that, at least until the situation tries to resolve itself. Because for now he's not dead.

It certainly suggests possibilities to him.

    Liu Xi would find it amusing that H9 is intimidated by her, because she tries to be nice to everyone.

For all his immense current power, H9 is still a somewhat socially-inept teen of about Liu Xi's age. She is way ahead of him in maturity and is a survivor of some serious traumas. In human terms, she's that girl in college who dates older guys and seems way out of Zach's experience or league. The fact that she's always been a bit detached from the Juniors means he's never had a chance to establish any sort of familiar relationship with her. Plus she's Lair Legion, the varsity.

    Lara would understand though; she's been famous for long enough back home to feel like she intimidates just about *everyone* who doesn't know her, whether she wants to or not.

I think H9 isn't as bothered by "older women" because he's more distant from them. They're another species. Confident, experienced females of his own age and potential peer group are much harder to cope with.


      In other words, H9 is using that Exu-stuff reading to find the actual Exu in the Celestian Control Plane and exploit a back-door to get himself and Aella there.

    He still might end up dragging Liu Xi along. Or at least attracting her attention.

I made sure that Liu Xi and the LL are inside a force field battling for their lives against the Purveyors so as to avoid any difficulty. I want to finish this story soon! If Liu Xi, Al B., Vinnie, Hallie, or the Shoggoth had been around when H9 pulled his stunt there would be another chapter at least!


      Are there other consequences of Liu Xi now being composed of matter drawn from the God of Murder recreated by Celestian technology on a supposedly temporary basis? Possibly. It all depends how good a story it makes, doesn't it?

    The one consequence I can think of right away is it would give her power over elements that are not of Earth. In particular, she could suddenly develop a much stronger control over Void. Or maybe dark matter, or whatever abstract material makes up the fabric of the universe.

    That last one might actually worry Lara a bit, because that's how she travels from place to place so quickly, by diving through that fabric and popping up at the other end.

It depends on how the Celestian Plane conjures up flesh housings for the "guides" it manifests. They seem to be perfect duplicates of the original "housings" of the people called - Mumphrey was certainly quick to check out his Madge pretty thoroughly when they were reunited. Is that matter drawn from the Plane of Corposant Fire, which generally supplies that sort of raw creation material (e.g. Ham-Boy's Meat Vision)? Or is it generating new matter altogether, a continuation of the Parodyverse's creation? Or something else?

Also relevant, what is a god made of anyway? This is an even more complicated question re Exu, who was possibly the first Impossibilitum-being in the CSFB! line before taking a career change.



        I tried, and couldn't think of a character that's more than 3 degrees separated from Visionary.


        Worrying, isn't it?

    Actually, all of the characters I tried to think of were connected through a really small number of friends of Visionary, so it might not entirely be Visionary's fault. This time.

He is definitely the Kevin Bacon of the Parodyverse.