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Subj: The heaves give you a nice appreciation for just how hard your abdominal muscles can try with or without you.
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 at 08:53:50 pm EST (Viewed 548 times)
Reply Subj: Nausea is the body's way of saying "try harder".
Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 at 03:28:19 am EST (Viewed 4 times)

Yay! The Night Nurse! Of course, things are usually pretty bad when she enters a story, what with her occupation, but I do enjoy seeing her. Now that I've seen variations of the original character(s) in Doctor Strange and Luke Cage, I have to say the Pv's twist on things is far superior. The vampire bit is pretty genius... how surprising to learn that she's reverting back to human! Although it seems reasonable with the explanation given. Is her age advancing as well to catch up with what it would have been? Actually, scratch that... not a safe thing to ask any woman, especially if they might still have fangs.

Entertaining action with Vinnie and Chiaki as well... I remember Leyland Reed. Can't really feel sorry for him here, whether he's trapped as a minion or not. Interesting argument for Vinnie at the end there, though. Hopefully he took a Hypocratic oath of some kind to help him make the right decision...

I hope Ruby and Tanner pull through as well... I like the Laundromat's lead characters.

Looking forward to the kids next chapter!


    Last I heard they had a sailboat in their trees or something.

Lisa was sure to tell me how awful I was too.