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Actually, Don was either wrong or fibbing (which is far more likely given his chosen profession) when he said that line. Nostalgia translated is the 'ache to return home.'
After a long hiatus, that's what I've done the last few days; going back and reading in the archives the efforts of myself and many talented others who helped make my time in the Parodyverse so enjoyable. This place was a great source or creativity and camaraderie for me throughout the years. It's hard to think of a hobby that I had more passion for.
Of course, passion isn't always a good thing. I said and did a lot of stupid, childish things to people who did not deserve them. I behaved embarrassingly. Even now, years later, perusing the old posts and spotting threads where I was especially twattish, those self-inflicted 'old wounds' still sting.
To those people I maligned during my time here, I apologize. To everyone, I hope your lives are going well, and at least as entertaining as the ones we created here in this amazing world of art.
Sometimes is nice to feel nostalgic. I do feel like that, specially in rainny days...not very often here, mostly sunny, but reminds me of other countries where I lived before...
The other things you mention, I wasn´t here and not have a clue about them...But they say there is only the pressent (and we only have the present), the past is long gone and the future is not here yet. I hope the bad stuff is forgotten by all parts
Hope you the best