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Quote: ...The less time it spends on my desk the better.
Kerry can help with that.
Quote: I like the tension added to the team with the revelation that Vinnie is on to CZ's methods and the unresolved manner in which he will deal with it. Laurie's ominous words to close out their conversation don't overly worry me at the moment... I still think she's a good enough person under all of her tragedy to not act on such dark motives. Besides, I think she wants to be judged as well... I think she has enough doubts about her own judgement at this point that she needs to hear whether she's doing the right thing or not from someone else. It's a thorny issue, and I look forward to seeing what Vinnie decides.
Vinnie may need to take some advice before he proceed. Say from Vizh?
Quote: Nice to see Hallie and Vizh together again, even if it's just in an official capacity. Hallie does like stringing people up by their expense reports...
I noticed that.
More to be written.
It's a tough call, because I'm really enjoying her, but I can't really imagine how Vizh would be okay if he knew it was Laurie's ghost wearing a comatose Beth. Some kind of consent would be necessary. Vinnie has ways of contacting spirits... Is there any way of getting a sign from Beth that she wants to help Laurie this way?
Hmmmm... Actually, Vizh would probably try to get the Sorting Hat onto Beth's head. It could answer whether she would consent to it all or not. The question is whether it would read Beth or Laurie.