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Member Since: Thu Jan 01, 1970
Posts: 618
Subj: Re: I'm rethinking that fast.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 at 06:20:48 pm EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: I'm rethinking that fast.
Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 at 09:10:43 am EDT (Viewed 804 times)


      As long as we see there can be drawbacks to Mumph's style of "liasing", I don't really think this is a problem. Actually, the idea of there being some contrast between how Vizh runs the team and how Mumph would, maybe leading to some friction, would be interesting.

    Definitely agree here. This is a great opportunity to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of both characters. Add in Asil feeling conflicted if there is friction between the two and I think there is some excellent story potential here.

I suppose that might grow naturally from the stories as they unfold - characters do write themselves sometimes - but it's not something I'm too excited about including. For the most part I think Mumph will be happy to sit by the fire with his Times crossword, complaining about the cricket.

This might be a good time to mention some of my thinking about the new team and their adventures. The line-up is one of the largest we've seen. I don't expect to use every character in every story, or equally. I'd like to stay away from the "everybody pile on" massive end-of-the-world stuff for a while and concentrate on other plots (we'll see how that goes).

I think character interaction, including tension and disagreement, are part of the fun of team books. I expect the new line-up to come with some of that built in. But I think that stuff works best against a background of cameraderie, respect, and affection. Some comics readers clearly want to read about teams full of heroes who are arseholes but I don't want to write them.

I suspect that the way to use the new, larger team will be to send them out on missions in sub-groups. The subset that would get fielded for a mystical incursion would be different from that dealing with an undercover gangbusting case or that handling the theft of alien technology. In the first proper story of the new line-up I expect to send all the newbies on an exploration mission with their training officer, leaving the old hands to deal with something else entirely at home.

    I am delighted to see Mumphrey back in the cast, so I hope that after reflection you keep him around. And why shouldn't your primary characters look good too? Everyone pimps their main character out in their stories (other than maybe Vizh), no reason that yours shouldn't have some great showings too.

I'm happy to promote Mumph in Mumphrey stories, but Untold Tales has generally been a different kind of vehicle that tries to give equal time to everybody's characters. It's hard for the writer to judge the right levels of interaction when his own character is involved.