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Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
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Subj: Re: Nice fight scene! I am curious, though ...
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 at 10:42:45 am EDT (Viewed 643 times)
Reply Subj: Nice fight scene! I am curious, though ...
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 at 04:00:15 am EDT (Viewed 673 times)

    ... Where the extra Imagineseum arm came from, because the original is still attached to Dream, as it always was.

This isn't the Imagensium arm, it's Dream's original Impossibilitium arm. I figure when Dream died during his fight with Aryna Ideal and was resurrected, his original arm was recreated as well in the place it was originally ripped off, except in our universe (since it was ripped off in the Moderator-verse, which I don't believe exists anymore).

    Also, I suspect there might be problems with creating a Dream-clone with his same powers (I am correct in guessing that, right?), simply because a) Agents of Chaos are kind of uniquely called, and b) Dream kind of occupies a unique space now even among other Agents of Chaos.

Actually, I'm not looking to create a Dream clone. I'm just looking for the raw material.

    I wouldn't mind discussing this further in e-mail.

Certainly. I'll shoot you a message with what I'm planning and we can either make it work or scrap it. I just thought that if that original arm had come back when Dream did, it could be worked into a story point.
