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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Short change
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 at 04:30:17 pm EDT (Viewed 7 times)
Reply Subj: Change for $20?
Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 at 02:30:07 pm EDT (Viewed 777 times)

    I was sure Hodgekiss would react more angrily when CSFB! mentioned Anna. That's got to be a major thorn in the military's side.

As I was saying to Vizh, the challenge with this story is graduating Hodgekiss' confrontations. The danger is that otherwise the tale degenerates into a series of angry reactions which don't really add much to the overall narrative.

    When I read Sonic Boom I thought of the guy from the movie Sky High - the gym teacher that yelled "Siiiidekick!" (it's a common super-type name, but it's funny anyhow).

Sonic Boom is an old adversary of Ham-Boy's from L!'s own stories.

    I'm going to have to post the first part of Mysteries of Faite in the next 24 hours, even if it overlaps with the other story, because otherwise my next suggestion won't make much sense: Icy could have also talked to Faite (it would make more sense after the post, because presumably now she's too difficult to find). Maybe Faite could help, maybe not, but she has the opposite priority than the Hooded Hood - she would be more intent on making Icy believe that changing things would only make them worse, and she would create visual aids to drive home the point.

You may wish to wait for how this plot with the Hood pans out since it may make a difference to other stories about it.

    Originally Faite's "return" was supposed to coincide with the forces of Order and Chaos going out of balance, so this seems like as good a time as any. She also seems to be just in time to reign in the Hooded Hood just a bit, just when he's at his most diabolical (she would probably start by warning him that his agenda is upsetting a balance he so carefully created).

As the Word said here, the Hood is making his move. As usual, that's a carefully considered suite of ploys. And there are particular and as-yet-unrevealed reasons why he's in a somewhat uncompromising mood, even beyond having to sacrifice Zdenka recently.

    If Goldeneyed were to ask Liu Xi whether he exists, and explain how, her only response would be "You exist, so shut up."

G-Eyed and Liu Xi share a similar problem just now of being anomalies without poperly rooted timeline histories.

But that's a subplot for another issue.

    I figured Amber would end up resigning. Maybe that would end up hurting CSFB!'s feelings enough to change his mind a bit. If that doesn't work, maybe Liu Xi cursing at him about destroying everything he loves might help, since he knows her intentions are pure.

Amber's resignation has triggered his conversation with his dead girlfriend Izzy, so now his plot can move forward.

    Curiously, at this point, I'd say Lara Night was somewhere biting her lip to avoid getting too involved in matters beyond her control. She would honestly tell CSFB! that she believes in his ideal, but maybe this isn't the right time. That maybe he should work toward it instead of pushing it all at once.

I take it as a good sign regarding whether the story's engaging readers that so many people are itching to have their characters help out CSFB!