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By aiding Karl Braun, the governments of the world have ensured that Dream will launch precisely the sort of jihad they were hoping to avert.
Regardless of the cost of the day, Dream will look at the fact that they were willing to ally themselves with the Aryan ideal, and he will see this as the ultimate justification of his stance, because anybody who's willing to support a guy like that can never be right in his eyes.
I find myself deeply disturbed by what Icy went through, especially in light of recent grim-and-gritty events in superhero comics (including the murder of Roy Harper's preteen daughter in DC), because it feels like it's permanently saddling him with a darkness that kind of goes against the point of his character. I almost hope he goes through a memory-wipe of these events, because if and when his writer returns, that's a hell of a thing to burden his otherwise happy character with.
Hoping to see some sunshine soon ...