> I shan't go about leaving a wake of unfinished works and pregnant lasses like that similarly-dainty egomaniac, blast it all! My beloved Diaries shall have two more installments: a "special" bridging story narrated by the mysterious third person omniscient, and a conclusion narrated by my own dear self.
> However, in this coming week, I shall be posting one of those "in-continuity" stories one hears so much about. It shall, hopefully, be under 25 dead trees.
One hopes so. You have heard of chapter breaks, haven't you?
Still, good news on the story front. This September is the 10th anniversary of the parodyverse, so I'm hoping for a number of guest stars dropping in with tales.
> p.s.: the repeated use of certain words is merely the sign of a would-be auteur. It isn't part of, say, a mystic triggering incantation or business such as that. That would just be a silly notion...
Indeed. The very idea eclipses reason.