> Wow... that was quite the epic set up chapter. Not only did you have Onslaughter rampaging across the city docks, but the Purveyors on the loose and a really spooky trip to Herringcarp, any one of which would have been a major event.
Once Jason established a jail break I decided I might as well go for it.
> So I take it that even the government doesn't know who Beth has recruited to form her new Lair Legion? They sure are getting a lot less flak than we usually got...
Things are a bit chaotic, so there has perhaps been some miscommunication. Or plausible deniability.
> But still, in hindsight, Amber may be luckier to be out in the wilderness with us than working with this crew. Well, maybe before Dancer's story, but still.
> The fight with Onslaughter was great, first as Chiaki ran through her options (loved her confrontations with other escapees on the beach) and then when the Good New Lair Legion came on the scene. Kerry, Gaz and FA have certainly come a long way as teammates... It was good to see them in action like that.
The tough part was showing them doing their very best and somehow keeping them alive.
The very tough part will be describing round two.
> And Vinnie got a guest spot! And Amnesia as well... I quite liked the idea that Herringcarp needed its own mystical defender, although I'm quite saddened to think that is the ultimate end of Amnesia's story that's only half-told so far.
Her story's probably told except for two chapters. I need to get back to that sometime. Maybe Hallowe'en?
> So many other good snippets... Boss Deadeyes getting his due respect, the politicians planning to make a move, the sad career of Flaming Justice... This chapter was jam packed, and a hell of a lot of fun.
No point setting these situations up if we don't exploit them, is there?
> Now where's the next one?
Right now it's in my head. Work's mounting up and yesterday I agreed to do some pro-bono work preparing a Feasibility Study, Business Plan, and Funding Strategy for a local church trying to refurbish its old building as a community centre, which I expect will take me five days or so.
Fortunately I've got to wait while a few other people write their stories or add more to what they've already done, so I'm hoping to have something ready by perhaps this time next week.