> This all fits together quite well, and I applaud the use of lt. slate grey font. Although the story could stand a bit of yellow text as well...
Pretty much everything could.
> Excellent additions linking the other bits. I scoured the time log information, but I'm not sure I pieced together any more than I already knew. Well, I found out a fair amount about Amber's blouse, and the fact that she keeps some spare clothes in her office, but I'm not sure that really helps to solve the mystery.
That's certainly a reasonable conclusion to draw.
> There are some interesting goings-on under the mansion with Simon and Grace... I wonder just what they're stumbling into, as the Abyssal Greye doesn't seem quite forthcoming about things.
It's almost as if he was not telling them everything.
> And I'm going to have to speak to my congressman about the government wiretapping 11 year olds now...
The kids should really have been under adult supervision.
> Good stuff... Now to the next part.