> I really, really liked Part 3. We've all gone through events where a group of people who have bonded must separate, and I thought you capture the emotions that occur very well. It's a bittersweet part of the story to know that "our" group of Caphans may never be together as a group again.
This was a relatively late addition to the storyline (I've been writing it terribly out of order), but it seemed to be an important beat. I'm glad someone else managed to wade past the saccharine and enjoy it.
> I still think Kerry needs to grow up some; I hope her talk with Mircandalee helps. Vizh will love her no matter what, and at some point she needs to stop the juvenille cries for attention and grow up.
I agree in part, although I don't really consider Kerry a character I'm leading on. But I also think that when her problems are all ironed out and she's a normal stable person she won't be that interesting any more.
That's not a shot at your portrayal of her, by the way; it's no secret I've never been that fond of the character. You write her very well, hence I say "she needs to grow up" because I think of her as a person, not a fictional rendition. (I've honestly had to remind myself every now and then that Hallie is a character without a poster because she's been so well developed, primarily by Vizh and yourself)
I'm not sure whether Danny's a good influence or a bad one on Kerry.