> While I see the problem with the arrows, I don't see any repetition in #6, which you've currently titled "Mouse and Ming". It was only written by two people... I wrote the first (Mouse) half, to which Hatman replied with the second (Ming) half. As near as I can tell, none of what's currently in the chapter 6 link appears in chapter 5.
That's just another manifestation of my confusion. I'd aerchived two different postings of the material from #5 and not archived "Mouse and Ming" at all. Gah!
> > Could somebody with HTML-fu please repost (or edit) #6, ensuring that it does indeed include the stuff from #5, so I can store it properly?
> Edit: Actually, here it is:
Thank you. Now if someone could just make sense of http://mangacool.com/php/show.php?msg=parodyverse-20080113015300