> > > As always: an interesting read. A bit confusing in parts, but then battles can be confusing with all that is going on.
> > The writing about them shouldn't be, though. It probably reflects how confused I got in multiple redrafts.
> I hardly do multiple drafts but then I don't long drawn out epics. But when I do multi-part stories some fact do jumbled up in the process.
This was particularly complex because it has so many plotlines, most of which weren't begun by me, and such a long narrative to complete. It wasn't one of my favourite writing tasks.
In fact it bears all the telltale hallmarks of me straining - a gratuitous deus et machina Hooded Hood appearance, recourse to yet more nebulous and mysterious sinister types polanning for the future, heroic fatal but ultimately reversable sacrifices by many of the cast, lengthy exposition dialogue as plot points are ticked off, and an over-long multi-scene battle.
> > > In reading the story, I think I have figured out a way I can explain the whole HB/STL mix up, no need to change anything on your part. The use of C-Class as S.P.A.M. agents was inspired, I hadn't even thought of that.
> > What's worrying is I thought I got it from you.
> I did introduce a group of S.P.A.M. agents who are/were leaded by Mr. Gillespie (Catherine's father). The group included Ben Hermes & Fred Harris but I never named the rest of the group. So, C-Class could be the group. So, don't worry about it.
It occurred that some of C-Team would be a lot less nice with a different training environment.
> > > I look forword to seeing what you prestn with us next. Maybe something about the Hood's Daughter?
> > Not for a while yet, although it's possible I've already done it.
> cryptic!
I try my best.