> You have to be really careful when dealing with colours (if only for the problem of colour-blindness).
> Icons can be a pain in the arse for a number of reasons (size, readability, interpretation). Nearly every professional site that I have dealt with uses text (or text buttons).
The only reason the icons are the size and shape they are is because I don't know how to make glasslike buttons so I borrowed a few and pasted stuff onto them.
The buttons are easily replaceable though.  And soon I'm going to experiment with grouping them so they're easier to figure out.
> If you have time (or want a laugh - some of the bad designs are hilarious), you might want to visit Web Pages that Suck.
that web site sucks.
> > It's actually the "Title" tag which should show up faster than "Alt".  Supposedly anyway.
> "Supposedly Faster" - coming to a computer near you. (I'm doing one of my twice-weekly 2.5 day database loads at the moment...)
It's faster in Safari.  Instead of the mouseover delay that happens with "alt", "title" shows up almost immediately.