> ...Can we lose the mystery meat navigation - or at the very least have the words visible on the screen as well?
The icons you see were for the most part borrowed and I didn't really do much alterations to them yet.  I might try to see if I can add really small yet clean type to them as labels.
Originally the point to switching to icons was to fix two problems:  a) The text links looking gigantic on IE for Windows, and b) which is related to (a), the text links spilling into two lines or pushing around other elements.
Actually, if anyone cares to comment, would you rather have text inside the buttons or a switch to color-coded buttons that remain consistent throughout?  For instance New Post would always be blue, Edit would always be green, etc.  The symbol would remain but colors are actually easier to see than text.
> I know that you are using the ALT tag, but that ONLY works on the mouseover event.
It's actually the "Title" tag which should show up faster than "Alt".  Supposedly anyway.