> > > Tom Black better hope the Shoggoth finds him before Yuki does.  The Shoggoth might not hurt him quite as much.
> > Tom's not done anything bad, though, has he?
> Maybe, maybe not.  Either way Yuki will hurt him just because a) he has it coming, and b) because if he has to ask why then he probably deserves it.
That makes no sense at all. WHY did he have it coming if he's done nothing wrong, and WHY does having to ask why he's being beaten up mean he deserves it?
> > > Lodestone better hope Yuki finds him before Liu Xi does.  At least if Yuki sets fire to him he might survive it.
> > Lodestone's been getting away with stuff for a very long time. He's CSFB!'s character and has previously been responsible for bad things happening the Meggan, for example. We really need Kirk to give us a proper CSFB! vs Lodestone story sometime.
> Sounds like one may be on its way?