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Subj: Because then your creative pants don't fit.
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 at 06:40:53 am EDT
Reply Subj: It's good to exercise that creative muscle. Wouldn't do to go flabby.
Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 at 12:11:55 am EDT

> I'm hoping to find some time to write this weekend, what with the holiday. Of course, I ended up working tonight until after 11pm, so that might be ambitious thinking...

Rhainnon reminded me this week that you had never got round to showing us Magweed and Griffin meeting Danny and Kerry. A babysitting chapter is definitely in order.

> > My thinking always was to cover the massive wider cast in the run up to the final fight then to focus down on the LL (and Champagne) as they slugged it out.
> > Of course, my intention was also to cover the events of what turned out to be UT#319-321 in one chapter. Hah.

> I still think you kept the focus on the LL pretty well throughout. The interludes with the wider cast were good for pacing purposes.

That's half the reason was there. The rest was to be something of a Greek chorus and a "reaction from the spectators" - except with Mags and co and with EEE, who actually had to do things to advance the plot.

> > The Parody Master is pretty much a bully, and I enjoyed putting him up against someone his own size for a moment. Notice he ran away.

> Yes, I noticed that a few times. He really doesn't care for a fair fight. I'm glad he's dead.

Sad to see another the the PV's traditional original baddies go away, but I really think we couldn't have given him a more significant send-off.

For all his power and the trouble he's caused, I still don't think the PM is that interesting.

> > You read the footnotes, right? I hope someone does, the damn things took me hours. Whose stupid idea was PV footnotes anyway?
> That's what you get when you have organizational skills. I get extra time to nap by keeping my stories more disorganized.

I may adopt that technique from now on.

> Sorry... I didn't read *all* of the footnotes. I tend to read the ones I'm curious about. Upon a second reading, I see that both Kenny and the hippo are booked for encores.

I realy was trying to conclude things, even if it's just in footnotes.

> > I wanted to find a role for Magweed, Griffin, and Samantha because all of them have in some ways been victims of the Parody War, and all of them deserved to play some small part in its resolution. I needed Jury to get a chance to face off against the PM too. I like to solve two problems by merging them into one scene.

> It was well done, I thought, and I appreciated their inclusion, as well as their survival. ;\-\)

Some of that was trying to tie up the 72 chapters of the Parody War story into a coherent whole. We had certain major stories-within-story that I felt needed a nod or a resolution. That included a major part paying off the Miiri pregnancy/Faerie rescue stuff to minor things like a nod to the Doomherald, and making sure that pretty much everybody who's played a role in the Parody War got something useful to do in the last three issues.

Looking back I really should have made some kind of chart.

> Hopefully Sam doesn't have to pay the bill for Champagne's involvement in all of this, however...

Hey, "Barbara Wayne" didn't ask CHampagne to get involved in any of this. Enty may have hired her for the Hughlong Dao job, however.

> > Well, Lisa's back, and this time its personal. I'm glad to have finally worked through the arc we negotiated with her.
> > Now if you could just convince her that work is nothing like as important as replying to Parodyverse stories...
> If Parodyverse involvement came with Health Insurance, you just might have been able to keep her here.

Some of us manage to earn a living and get to the PVB.

> I'm curious as to what becomes of the Juniors. How long ago was it that we were debating who was going to be in the next line up? Then they were bottled up, and passed around, and off to Caph... After all of that, can they just come back and go back to the way things used to be?

The secret is out... I delayed announcing a new line-up so that I didn't have to dissapoint all the people who wanted their characters to be on it. next time, since it's the last chapter I intend to write for the present, I'll bite the bullet and make a cut.

> > I'm also wondering how folks felt about Champagne's tagging along with the group (it was my first chance to write her interacting with the Legion and I'm still finding my way there), and about whether I went too far sidelining so many former PVB stalwarts.
> I quite enjoyed her sly involvement. I'll be curious as to what the explanation for her unexpected inclusion turns out to be. If she does indeed end up on the team, then it would make a certain amount of sense perhaps...

That's certainly what I was flirting with. I wanted to try out how she might work with the team, how it was to write her with the Legion, whether there was a potential for fun interaction. I'd be happy to eventually add Champagne to the cast if the poster wanted it.

> As for the sidelining of others, I didn't feel that it was egregious in any way.


> > > Bring on the epilogue!
> > I know what the first scene will be anyhow.
> A parade? I really think there should be a parade.

I'm pretty sure there'll be a parade, but it'll probably take place off-panel (from UT at least). I did a victory parade story after the Transworlds Challenge, so I think I've probably covered that kind of event. I expect any celebrations will probably be a backdrop rather than a focus of next time's story.