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Subj: "hey kids, let me tell you about the time your old dad was denounced from the pulpit..." Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 at 04:29:35 pm EST (Viewed 2 times) | Reply Subj: Re: "And kick yourselves down the stairs on the way out!" Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 at 05:15:32 am EST (Viewed 532 times) | ||||||
Quote: Have you told the story of the time the Priest spoke against ill begotten youths from the pulpit looking at you? I think it's only fair you get to repay the awkwardness forward. And also don't forget the Yorkshire moors church test. Heh heh, being a date for one of your progeny meeting the dad would actually be quite fun - provided one wasn't the actual date (poor suckers). It is a parental responsibility to terrify young men who wish to date one's daughters. My methods remain classified. Quote: Quote: I cheated though, because the epilogue does feature a few left-field characters dealing with consequences. Nothing will ever be the same again.Quote: Well, Chechov needs to check off his gun theory. Meanwhile - we now have a new female non-poster character who is also a non-vampiric vampire! Winning!Didn't expect her to survive the storyline, actually. The vampire in the next UT would eviscerate her with a glance for polluting the gene pool. Quote: Part the sixth:Quote: Hey wait - is this a happy ending? You gave us a happy ending!! All this lead up "things will never be the same" was a ruse! Congrats to those two crazy kids. They're handfasted - things never will be the same. As promised. Quote: Very much enjoyed the way Grimpy was made to look like a tool. It's sometimes fun when characters who are intellectual bullies meet someone in their weight class. Quote: so, will we find out what happened to that hell (ie: what bubbled up to take its place - and who the ruler of that is)?Well, one hell-plane scab gone, a billion to go. Quote: Will Danny have unforseen outcomes from binding with Kez' soul like this? Like say - he can manifest firey wings from his back - or something?He might have the Valkyrie Corps after him if he breaks his vows. Quote: Anyway, fun romp. Nice way to shake things (close things) up for this mob. It was important to bring them up to date so that the rest of the plots can move on. The three biggest plotlines still outstanding that I am responsible for are the mayoral race in GMY, the Empire of the Dead Galaxy, and the Da Visionary Code. Quote: (and it looks like Kara may have to go on a sorority recruitment drive come daylight - wonder who she can convince to join? Does she inherit the frat house as the last member? is she the last member? Did Lucy have a fail safe escape plan?). Red Velvet was a member. The actual property/parking lot is owned by the Heck Fire Club. Kara may wish to avoid them. Quote: And what will the parents of the dead Alphas be doing given this, noting their power/standing? i foresee legal shenanigans in future. And probably not just legal ones. | |||||||
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