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Subj: Maybe Hatty has a dentist's mask?
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 at 06:33:22 am EST (Viewed 1 times)
Reply Subj: My kingdom for some mouthwash.
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 at 12:13:09 am EST

    Well, so long as you didn't go overboard on the adversaries this time... Sheesh.

Well what happened was, back in the day I had originally planned for all of these things to happen as the growing menace of the New Pantheon developed. There would be a zombie storyline, then a Citizen Z origin storyline, then a Chain Knight storyline, then a Void Spectre storyline and so on, all gradually building up to a major finale. Given I've only got a trilogy to work with this time I decided it was best to just do them all together.

    Lots of fun action and reveals this chapter. I'm quite enjoying the Mumphrey-Baroness pairing. (Mumphress? Zemphrey? It' so hard to do a proper ship name with them.) Kind of a toxic Nick and Nora vibe to them. The retcon fights are always entertaining as well.

Mumph and the Baroness are amongst that catagory of characters who rarely blend into the background in a scene and who therefore require special handling if they are to be used. Putting two "problem" cast members together so each becomes the other's issue is a useful way of including them in the plot while not disrupting other people's scenes.

    The Crapsack stuff made me gag. So spot on, I suspect. Nice to finally have the Citizen Z stuff out in the open, and a pleasure to make Amnesia's acquaintance... and to introduce her to herself too.

Getting on with the Amnesia plot was the primary reason I returned to Untold Tales. I was feeling a bit guilty about Laurie and Beth and wanted to address that.

    How many undead Donars does it take to keep the original down? The world may never know. Nice bit of mystery and dread in those segments building up to the big fights.

We shall experiment on the undead to alive ratios required next time. Meanwhile, the villain has made a Norse mistake in discounting the value of undead Al B. Harpers and not bothering to furnish any. Al B. has few combat abilities so why would an Ausgardian enemy regard him?

    And so the remaining LL get to face the Chain Knight. Hmmm... Considering the Crapsack scene, I'm not sure if I'm jealous or not.

Well, the remaining LL and Mr Padadapopolis. And its not as if they don't still have two members with working superpowers.

    Regardless, a wonderful present under the tree! Thanks for sharing it, and I look forward to ringing in the New Year with more!

I should know by Monday whether I'll manage to finish everything in the third installment or if there will have to be an installment 3b.

I'm actually running a bit late on the writing of it since the family cat died a couple of days ago and I wasn't feeling very flippant to write a PVB story but I'm hoping the Christmas spirit will bump me out of melancholy and get me going again.

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