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Subj: If I'd been making the trailer...
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 at 03:05:19 pm EDT
Reply Subj: I had much the same reaction upon my first viewing...
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 at 09:53:25 am EDT (Viewed 3 times)

I'd actually have gone for something entirely different, with some non-film footage as a framework and little clips of the actual film.

If, as rumoured, the storyline is promoted by Stark, not Pym, bringing Ultron-1 to life, then I'd have shelled-out (no pun intended) for some actual new Downey footage of him developing/updating J.A.R.V.I.S., with some initial dialogue between the two, and use the future-disaster flashforwards to contrast. The trailer would be "Pride before the fall" or "good intentions go bad". If Downey Jr is too expensive for that, then Paul Bettany coming to life and asking his robotic progentor "Who am I?" would have worked as a framing vehic le too.

    From the sound of things, the footage shown at San Diego comic con would have been more to my tastes, starting with the scene directly before the first version of Ultron shambles into the room and reminding us why we want to spend time with these characters through fun interaction and playful banter, before going over much of the same ground as this Trailer.

I'm desperately hoping that, having been pushed to launch their trailer early by a leak, Marvel still finds something new to put out on TV during the next SHIELD episode. Restoring the footage you mention would fit the bill nicely.

    I think this trailer also was colored by the announcement that the cinematic universe would be taking cues from the whole "Civil War" storyline following this film. It makes it seem like the turn towards grim and gritty will be all-encompassing and inescapable.

The whole Civil War direction leaves me entirely cold. I have no interest in Winter Soldier really; Bucky is best dead; there is no adequate substitute-Cap.

    However, I need to remind myself that Avengers 2 is being bracketed by "Guardians of the Galaxy" and Paul Rudd's "Ant Man", so I can pull up some optimism. (Iron Man 3 also had a notoriously gritty trailer that didn't really match the tone of the film itself, much to some enraged fans' lasting ire... Considering that the film made well over a billion, I can't say that Marvel wouldn't repeat the strategy.)

Ant-Man is the Marvel movie that most worries me. It seems to have been plagued with production issues and it's the one that most diverges from its source material. If Marvel stumbles, that'll be the one. I never really had doubts about Guardians of the Galaxy. I do about Ant-Man. And if Ant-Man's not done right then we can't have the Wasp done right.

    If it is this much of a downer (it looks to be heavily influenced by genocide-based "Ultron Unlimited" more than anything), it is somewhat of a trilogy tradition after "The Empire Strikes Back". But then it was so effective in "Empire" because we didn't see the down ending coming... We weren't beat over the head with "this is going to be dark and tragic" for the entire build-up, let alone the runtime of the film itself.

I really liked the last Busiek Ultron story, but that worked because it played the character cards so well in juxtaposition with the devastation. I hope Whedon sticks to that match-up, whatever the marketing cutting-room boys put out beforehand.

    One quick tangential note on the Hulkbuster Armor... I agree, but in consideration, an Ultron story might be the perfect place to showcase such inevitable results as a sign of hope.

As another example of Tony over-reaching it's a fine thing to include.

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