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Yo b

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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: Re: A week later, I'm not too busy...
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 at 05:17:02 pm EST (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: A week later, I'm not too busy...
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 at 03:25:04 pm EST (Viewed 546 times)

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    1. Fave main parodyverse character (not because she/he is hot…other attributes would be Appreciated…extra points if you give some explanation why)

Hmmm... at the moment, it's likely a toss-up between Donar and Dancer. Both I think are perfectly balanced for Parodyverse stories, full of fun personality quirks, amusing habits, useful powers, and personalities that make you want to read more and more adventures with them. Donar has all of the zany Ausgard stuff to play with, and Dancer has the secret identity and Bean and Donut backdrop for stories. They're both such fun characters.

    2. Fave storyline ever (written by you)

I'm not sure... it's been a while since I've read them. Some of my better, later stories were done along with Ian or Dancer or the entire board too, so saying what is the favorite written by me is tougher. My earlier stories were more fun, but the later stuff is better written.

There were a few Hallie-centric stories that I wrote that I thought came out stronger than my usual stuff, so if it's a storyline in general rather than a specific story, I'll go with her stuff. I liked the one that focused on her role in the Parody War as told through interviews, and the one that was framed by a radio call-in show discussing Robosapien rights. For a specific story though, I'll pick "Hallie and the Clockwork Movement" as it was more of a self-contained story (about Hallie and former sexbot Tandi attending an underground robot rights rally) that had some meat to it but also threw in the kind of silly gags that a proper Parodyverse story needs, in my opinion.

    3. Fave storyline ever (written by your friendly next door poster…ummm..not you..., another poster)

I was involved in it, but only for a fraction of it, so I'll say the "Follies of Youth" round robin. That was fun. So was the Moderator saga that followed it up.

    4. Fave secondary character (remember, Visionary, CZFB and MangaSh. ARE main oneS by Brussels convention and American fake rights –probably- too)

I think I have to give this to Fleabot... he easily wins best supporting actor in my stories. Without him, Visionary stories would probably all be boring.

    5. Your fave comic book being published right now (month less month more)

Well, the only comic I read at all any more seems to be Fables, when new trade paperbacks collecting it come out. So I guess that would be it. It's sad that I don't read comics any longer, as I truly did love them.

    6. Fave published comic book character

I'll stick with the Vision, especially within the first 100 or so issues he appeared in. As a character, he was gradually eroded away until he was a bland shell of his former self, but if it weren't for those earlier issues I would never have become an Avengers fan and therefor never met any of you fine folk. So I owe the guy.

    7. Are you happy right now?. What are you going to do to improve the situation if the answer is not (too gossipy…? ignore it)

I'm not terribly happy right now, but I'm not as unhappy as I used to be so I figure I must be on the right track in a general sense. I turn 40 in a few months. If I could figure out a way to avoid that (well, you know, aside from the sure-fire, rather final way) then that would probably improve the situation. So far my calculations haven't yielded results.


    8. Say something that you always wanted to, but no body cared to listen

Every now and then I say something about those damn ponies that nobody wants to hear, so I've probably got that covered already. ;\-\)

    9. You are free to make you own quiz if this one sucks

If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty lazy...

Thanks for the quiz, Yo! It's always great to see you around!


1. Fave main parodyverse character (not because she/he is hot…other attributes would be Appreciated…extra points if you give some explanation why)

Hmmm... at the moment, it's likely a toss-up between Donar and Dancer. Both I think are perfectly balanced for Parodyverse stories, full of fun personality quirks, amusing habits, useful powers, and personalities that make you want to read more and more adventures with them. Donar has all of the zany Ausgard stuff to play with, and Dancer has the secret identity and Bean and Donut backdrop for stories. They're both such fun characters.

>> Dammit, now I miss terribly both of them..Wouldn´t be great a story with just the two of them? Team-up!

2. Fave storyline ever (written by you)

I'm not sure... it's been a while since I've read them. Some of my better, later stories were done along with Ian or Dancer or the entire board too, so saying what is the favorite written by me is tougher. My earlier stories were more fun, but the later stuff is better written.

There were a few Hallie-centric stories that I wrote that I thought came out stronger than my usual stuff, so if it's a storyline in general rather than a specific story, I'll go with her stuff. I liked the one that focused on her role in the Parody War as told through interviews, and the one that was framed by a radio call-in show discussing Robosapien rights. For a specific story though, I'll pick "Hallie and the Clockwork Movement" as it was more of a self-contained story (about Hallie and former sexbot Tandi attending an underground robot rights rally) that had some meat to it but also threw in the kind of silly gags that a proper Parodyverse story needs, in my opinion.

>>All of them sound great, But silly gags IMO are what make this place special and different from other fan-fic places. By the way, sexbot?? Really??..sigh.. ;\)

3. Fave storyline ever (written by your friendly next door poster…ummm..not you..., another poster)

I was involved in it, but only for a fraction of it, so I'll say the "Follies of Youth" round robin. That was fun. So was the Moderator saga that followed it up.

>> I remember "Follies". I enjoyed what I read. Newer stories tend to be better than old (better writting), but I so love the old ones...nostalgic, I guess

4. Fave secondary character (remember, Visionary, CZFB and MangaSh. ARE main oneS by Brussels convention and American fake rights –probably- too)

I think I have to give this to Fleabot... he easily wins best supporting actor in my stories. Without him, Visionary stories would probably all be boring.

>>He adds to Visionary character, but Visi is great by himself...

5. Your fave comic book being published right now (month less month more)

Well, the only comic I read at all any more seems to be Fables, when new trade paperbacks collecting it come out. So I guess that would be it. It's sad that I don't read comics any longer, as I truly did love them.

>> I know ;(. I used to enjoy them lots too. I haven´t read comics in ages till recently. It makes me sad that you lost your "Vision"...

6. Fave published comic book character

I'll stick with the Vision, especially within the first 100 or so issues he appeared in. As a character, he was gradually eroded away until he was a bland shell of his former self, but if it weren't for those earlier issues I would never have become an Avengers fan and therefor never met any of you fine folk. So I owe the guy.

>>I knew I liked him for something more than his handsome red face...

7. Are you happy right now?. What are you going to do to improve the situation if the answer is not (too gossipy…? ignore it)

I'm not terribly happy right now, but I'm not as unhappy as I used to be so I figure I must be on the right track in a general sense. I turn 40 in a few months. If I could figure out a way to avoid that (well, you know, aside from the sure-fire, rather final way) then that would probably improve the situation. So far my calculations haven't yielded results.

>>40???... My mum says that is the best age ever..and I concur. I will try to remember to say happy BD this year. I wish you all the happiness, you deserve it. An who want to be "terribly happy". That sounds boring ;\)


8. Say something that you always wanted to, but no body cared to listen

Every now and then I say something about those damn ponies that nobody wants to hear, so I've probably got that covered already. ;\-\)

>>That is true ;\)

9. You are free to make you own quiz if this one sucks

If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty lazy...
>>I have noticed, like I like to point up once in a while.

Thanks for the quiz, Yo! It's always great to see you around!

>Ditto, next week I will travel abroad and be absent, so trying to be here as much as posible now that I can...

Thanks for playing!

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