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Yo being

Subj: Al B. Harper
Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 at 07:36:20 am EST (Viewed 5 times)
Reply Subj: Too busy to do a test?? Quick answers required...
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 at 05:27:23 pm EST (Viewed 11 times)

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Ok, seeing the answers to KS post, is clear we are a bunch of busy people…and that is good..till certain point.
There is always time for a quick, non sensical (is that a word??), pretty basic, even silly quiz….(you are sooo free to ignore it)

So here I go (please, pretty please..don´t make me the only one answering it..I am post-shy)

1.    Fave main parodyverse character (not because she/he is hot…other attributes would be Appreciated…extra points if you give some explanation why)

2.    Fave storyline ever (written by you)

3.    Fave storyline ever (written by your friendly next door poster…ummm..not you..., another poster)

4.    Fave secondary character (remember, Visionary, CZFB and MangaSh. ARE main oneS by Brussels convention and American fake rights –probably- too)

5.    Your fave comic book being published right now (month less month more)

6.    Fave published comic book character

7.    Are you happy right now?. What are you going to do to improve the situation if the answer is not (too gossipy…? ignore it)

8.    Say something that you always wanted to, but no body cared to listen

9.    You are free to make you own quiz if this one sucks

Good night you all, hopefully see you all tomorrow with my answers even

1. Fave main parodyverse character (not because she/he is hot…other attributes would be Appreciated…extra points if you give some explanation why)

Male Yo. Because we never see him. He is swave and dances and makes the ladies swoon. We need more male Yo!

2. Fave storyline ever (written by you)
Umm...probably "chemical Heart" when Al B. went "Hank Pym" and shrunk down to go inside Visionary. Okay I really don't have a lot to call from...what's YOUR favourite story from me?

3. Fave storyline ever (written by your friendly next door poster…ummm..not you..., another poster)

That's really hard to call....I think something by KS probably. But...too hard to call.

4. Fave secondary character (remember, Visionary, CZFB and MangaSh. ARE main oneS by Brussels convention and American fake rights –probably- too)


5. Your fave comic book being published right now (month less month more)

I dun read em. Conan reprints by Dark Horse?

6. Fave published comic book character

Really? I can't choose one. Oh heck I'll give it to Steve Rogers Cap because he is good.

7. Are you happy right now?. What are you going to do to improve the situation if the answer is not (too gossipy…? ignore it)

I've just bought myself a house. I'm finalising my late mother's affairs. I have a great job. I'm happy and unhappy at the same time.

8. Say something that you always wanted to, but no body cared to listen

You are all my very good friends.

9. You are free to make you own quiz if this one sucks

I heart Yo.

Good night you all, hopefully see you all tomorrow with my answers even

Yo rocks.

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