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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
Subj: I hope they're not starting additions.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 at 09:04:24 pm EDT (Viewed 555 times)
Reply Subj: Good villainous addition...
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 at 12:25:44 pm EDT (Viewed 608 times)

    I'm not entirely sure why Anna would lead a meeting of the Lair Legion, considering that she's not even in the Legion. Her and Lara helping out makes sense, but Liu Xi and Vinnie are the only Legionnaires there. I think having those two call on the others for help with the safe would have worked a bit better as a set-up.

The reason was very simple: Yuki asked Anna to fill in. It's assumed that with Hat, Visionary, Sir Mumphrey, and CSFB! all busy elsewhere, normally it would have been Yuki's job to head up a meeting. But when she had problems, she asked Anna. Being as loyal as she is, Anna wouldn't dream of failing at such a seemingly simple task.

Not that Vinnie or Liu Xi aren't allowed to host meetings, but neither one of them are the type who wants to.

    I quite enjoyed the actual mission itself, and the addition of Time Machine into the fight. The Safe just became very Punxsutawney-ish... I look forward to seeing how they break the cycle and escape.

It is looking more like Herringcarp than the Safe at the moment.

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