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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Very small.
Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 at 07:59:49 pm EDT (Viewed 394 times)
Reply Subj: What size do you think the hole in the Arctic should be?
Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 at 08:33:45 pm EDT (Viewed 5 times)

    It's long enough for cardiac and respiratory function to cease. The rest's mere biology.

People have been revived after longer than that, though I guess the team doesn't have any advanced medical rescue gear handy.

    We've never really detailed the how, but both Marie and Hallie were adopted at the point of their deaths. Both died helplessly, neither could speak at the time of their demise, and both were murdered.

Oh, I thought you meant the island tends to guard it's residents. Though Liu Xi has been nearly killed so many times she might fit this criteria.

    Lara and Anna haven't been "adopted" for the same reason that all the other heroes haven't been - they're not dead, they can't afford to be tied to restricted location, and there isn't a vacancy. In fact right nowe there's one guardian too many.

Like I said above, I thought you meant some kind of mutual protection thing, like the Mansion bonds with those who live in it. Lara and Anna have no plans to be dead.

    CZ is probably harder to scan than most. She's wearing the outfit that Beth von Zemo designed to thwart LL sensors (and Yuki) from discovering her true identity, and now it's further juiced by the energies of Herringcarp Asylum.

Anna might find that curious too, but once again she figures that being surrounded by heroes with secret identities, it's none of her business.

    It's an interesting point about body rhythms though. We've established that CZ fights much better than Bethany Shellett ever did and has a fast dexterous movement pattern (Lisette's fighting style), but presumably Amnesia can only work within the fitness limits of her host body. So what kind of brain activity is there? What kind of biorhythms would one read?

It's likely the brain activity would read like Lisette's, but since Anna is familiar with neither Lisette's or Beth's brain patterns she'd have nothing to compare it to.

But, if Beth's brain activity is reading like she's asleep instead, and her body is being manipulated like a puppet, that Anna might think is very unusual.

    There's other heroes need evil counterparts too. Yuki really needs someone she can feud with that can give her a run for her money.

I'd like to, but I'm not sure I can out-do the enemy of her prototype. In Ghost in the Shell, Motoko Kusanagi's perfect enemy, because she's someone who keeps everything under control so well, is the Puppet Master, someone who can hack and take control of not only cybernetic bodies, but human brains as well through the cybernetic bodies.

I can't really create the same thing for the PV because a) it's been done before outside the PV, and b) because it's been done before in part in the PV. I was at one point thinking of something along the lines of the classic Sherlock Holmes battles, someone who's vicious and always one step ahead. Note that I can make double use of that, because the same person can annoy the Psychic Samurai as well.

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