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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: I agree with "hmm" but for a different reason...
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 at 09:07:00 am EDT (Viewed 504 times)
Reply Subj: I agree with "hmm" but for a different reason...
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 at 02:22:20 am EDT (Viewed 573 times)


    Hmm...Silver Age is tricky for me...

    Two of my characters, Liu Xi Xian and Chiaki Bushido, are from Japan and China - they wouldn't be likely to exist in their current state in a silver-age universe without some very creative wrangling, re-invention, or excessively stereotypical plotting which I really hate doing.  Or they'd just be really nasty bad guys.

I don't know... Chiaki strikes me as a very Silver Age concept. If you're from Japan, naturally you know martial arts and carry a sword. And yes, stereotypes are a heavy part of Silver Age storytelling, but it's not like the Golden Age, where they were openly racist. Usually the Silver Age's main fault in that regard was is clueless stereotyping or, conversely, blatent and heavy-handed attempts to be progressive.

    Yuki Shiro would probably have a different name, and she'd be dead (since if there's no Hallie mainframe, there isn't likely to be a cybernetic body for Yuki).  That could possibly be worked with, but not in a way you'd expect.

No reason there couldn't be a Hallie mainframe... her introduction to the Legion had nothing to do with Visionary, really.

    Anna is nearly the same boat.  She could exist as some kind of magical clockwork, but the real problem is how she came to exist and why.  Unless she happened to be looking after Visionary's kids - then it could be somewhat amusing, since Anna's usual behavior fits in so well with the Silver Age.

The Silver Age is full of crazy technology... usually as or more advanced than anything likely to show up in the modern age. I'd say the main difference is then writers didn't give a hoot to the science behind it, or one thought to *how* a device would do something. Mass is created out of thin air, unbreakable laws of physics are shredded, incredibly complex machinery is fit into ridiculously convenient sizes, (and conversely things that would be simple and small technology in our time is huge and elaborate.)

Most of the Parodyverse technology is already Silver Age in style, if you strip away the self-aware part of the gag.


    Jack and Vicky could sure exist, only a much bigger deal would be made about Vicky being the city's one and only female detective.  And she would have to give up the pottymouth.

Sounds spot on.


    Unfortunately for Lara Night, the first rule of her existence is that she only exists in one reality at a time.  So if she wasn't in the lighthouse, she's back in the universe it came from.


    But we'll see what I can do.

I shall go read it!

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