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Member Since: Sat Jan 03, 2004
Posts: 2,131
In Reply To
Al B. Harper

Subj: Well, now I think we need some spin-off stories of the Fawikiotero Five
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 at 11:31:20 am EDT (Viewed 897 times)
Reply Subj: I'm not sure what this is - could just be random notes - could be something else...
Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 at 06:29:33 am EDT (Viewed 8 times)

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I have no idea what this document is. It's called "the Moderator."

Maybe it's just my unfinished notes of who turned up in the Moderator Saga (some of them sure look familar), maybe it's random chat-room talk jotted down. Maybe it's not even my document (some of them sure look like other people's ideas...some of them are other people's ideas!).

Anyway, I give you, the Moderator .doc as it is on my hard drive:


The Moderator

DoorMan (Hatman)
Functionary (Visionary)

Content Filter, who censored dissent in the news media, and LOL INTERNET, who produced mind-numbing, distracting entertainment.

brap a three foot tall, talking, bipedal pig

Link The young woman in the green pastel bodysuit domino mask Cath Katz G’EYED

Sigmund the Superlative Simulacrum Using his ham-sized hands to twist the knobs on his chest, he wrote /Which plan?/ onto his flat, featureless face.

Search Engineer smell of soot and sulphur as the man with the soiled overalls and conductor's cap sauntered into view. He carried a rusted brakeman's switch in one gloved hand and a lantern in the other BOOKMAN

Scarlet Lawnmower s he moved his uncontrollable power generated whirling psychic blades around him. NATS

New Zealand’s greatest superheroes the Fawikiotero Five


I actually have a page of notes kind of like this as well, although mine are definitely for a story I never got around to writing about Zebulon as an agent of the Faire Queen in the mythlands. There's some really interesting ideas in there, and then there's some stuff that makes no sense to me any longer, as I've forgotten most of what I was thinking at the time I typed it out.

Every now and then I come across a hand-written page of notes like that, and they seriously seem like the ravings of a madman. Totally disconnected lines, plot ideas, and punchlines without the set-up having been written down. "Zebulon-- "That's why I never trusted ducks!" That kind of thing.

Sometimes I worry myself.

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