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Subj: When that happens don't CrazySugarHeroes just bounce? Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 at 09:40:59 pm EDT (Viewed 6 times) | Reply Subj: So, have I hit rock bottom yet? Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 at 07:29:13 pm EDT (Viewed 425 times) | ||||||
Quote: Interesting to see the Hood and the Word in scenes where they share a common agenda. I suspect they have the potential for a sort of Doom-and-Namor relationship, in which each one would generously allow that the other is the second-smartest person in the room.They're united by their interest in CSFB! Quote: And you're making good on your promise to make the Hood more of a bastard, not just to the long-suffering Amnesia, but also to Icy. I'm still hoping for some sort of happy ending there.The Hood's always been a bastard. He just distracts attention from it sometimes. A rule I have to stick to with the Hood is to keep him ruthless. It would be easy to make him sentimental and sympathetic. Actually he should be able to command respect as an adversary but also elicit a desire to beat him and stop his terrible schemes. Quote: Another aspect of Dream's transformation, which you've done a good job of implying here, is that choosing to be BOTH human AND a personification of a primal force was not just a one-time choice that Dream had to make. He needs to constantly reaffirm his connections to both his humanity and to Chaos, and while that can be a tug-of-war at times, what's even worse is when both his passionately moral humanity and his Chaotic will to defy Order are pushing him in the same direction, without any checks to balance him out.There's also the distinction you've made between creative and destructive chaos. Right now Dream's teetering on alignment change from Chaotic Good to Chaotic Neutral - or Evil. Quote: I'm definitely going to need to include the scene now where Dream explains to April that the reasons he wants her back in costume and by his side are not just to prevent her from being classified by fate as a Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane, but also because he sees her as a stronger superhero than himself. She basically lived Spider-Man's career, minus any support systems beyond her aunt (who didn't want her fighting crime), whereas he's always had at least his mom to back him up unconditionally, and as a superhero, he's surrounded himself with countless new families and tribes of Super Friends.Of all your cast, April's the one you need to work on the most. She started out as Dream's perfect fantasy woman and since then she's been defined by the various roles he's assigned her - wife, dexterous superheroine, armoured superheroine, surrogate mother to Iris, sexual experimentation partner etc. I still don't feel I know and understand her the way I do with Meggan or Izzy or PAPG! or Pelopia or Kit. Quote: The irony is that April thinks she was a weak superhero because she made mistakes and accomplished relatively little, whereas Dream sees her as a stronger superhero than himself because he has vastly more resources than her, but his biggest problem is that he literally can't restrain himself from doing what he sees as the absolute right thing.It would be good to show as well as tell this in a story. Quote: Like the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, Dream needs someone to stop him sometimes, and since Meg is too much an enabler (and Izzy being dead means she can't be there as often as she'd like), that would be where April would come in. Of course, Dream being Dream, he'll have no ego about confessing to April that he sees her as the stronger one, which she'll find frustrating and irresistible all at once.This is also worth getting into a narrative. The danger is that April becomes a "nagging wife". The other problem is that even this role is another support mechanism for Dream, not a niche in its own right. Quote: Of course, in the meantime, we've got Dream scaring the shit out of people by pulling his best impression of Ten at the end of "The Waters of Mars," so there's some ground to cover yet.He needs his wake-up call. It's just arrived. Quote: Returning to characters not created by me, nice job in seeding the Jarvis-related mystery into the scenes establishing RJ's personality and motivations, as well as paying respect to Ham-Boy's no-longer-novice skills.And for five points, in what other story did the Hood get his hands on a fragment of Jarvisite? Quote: It occurs to me that Goldeneyed and Dream now have something else in common, since neither one of them should be able to exist in reality.For very different reasons. Quote: All of Jay's years of training as the responsible one, who does his homework and cultivates loyalty through friendships, are paying off beautifully in his status quo, and I find myself feeling optimistic about his impending supervillain encounter even without his superpowers.It would be a downer if they just walked into the building and smeared him across the wall. Quote: I can't even say why, but something about Nats' departure struck me as oddly poetic - or perhaps merely meditative.I needed something to give him a proper send-off that we'd not done before. Quote: And of course, Dream would invite his gaming circle to join, but I'm glad that Hallie still feels special in the midst of all the invites, even if she refuses to show it.She's secretly very jazzed but she's afraid something might go wrong - and of course with the Anna citizenship case it just has. Quote: The short, tragic story of Farouk the would-be Champion of Order was effective precisely because it cut short the storytelling promise of his premise.And it reminded people of what the previous champions of Order have actually been like. Quote: I look forward to seeing how this all plays out.It's written. I'm just holding out for at least one more respondent. | |||||||
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