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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Because the world is cruel
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 at 07:56:57 pm EDT (Viewed 1192 times)
Reply Subj: Because the world is cruel
Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 at 03:38:49 pm EDT (Viewed 6 times)

    Deciding on the scheduling of stories has been a problem I've wrestled with for much of the life of this posting community. Past experience has been that if posters don't or can't keep up with the volume of story they become disconnected from it and from the board and then drift away. Conversely if there's not enough board activity other posters lose interest and stop visiting.

I've noticed that too, if I post too much at once people start skipping entire stories, opting out of some entirely. It also happens if I post plots that are too long.

    From my own perspective, having spent hours writing a story I hope people will regard enough to read and comment upon I'm reluctant to miss out on the only enjoyment I get once it's posted - discussing it and generally shooting the breeze with fellow posters. It disappoints me if I've failed to make it interesting enough to provoke comment.

That's where I differ, I guess, because I'm happy to get more than 3 replies - 3 is about average for one of my posts. If I get less than 3, then I'm depressed.

    Furthermore, I tend to write in phases, so once I start on a project I can't easily jump to another story or genre because I'm holding all the information and plot about the first one in my head. That means when I move on from the Parodyverse to other writing I tend to be "away" for a while. If other folks aren't around much either this may be a good time for another leave of absence.

That's going to look bad in 2 weeks when I'm in Florida (May 10th to 18th) because I probably won't post a story that week, and probably won't have anything the next weekend either to allow me time to catch up.

    Again, I'm sorry to those of you who engage regularly. I don't mean to offend those of you who don't. I am just exerting my option to reserve my efforts until I'm more confident of a level of interaction commesurate with my own board preferences and needs.

I'm not offended, I just thought things were going well. Relatively. \:\)

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