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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: Seven is what the focus groups felt was best.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 at 06:22:19 am EDT (Viewed 2 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Seven is what the focus groups felt was best.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 11:43:01 pm EDT (Viewed 417 times)

    What if Epitome is told not to kill them but to round them up and arrest them? Or simply make sure they can't leave the Lair Mansion? Those are simple enough orders that he might play along.

Again he'd need a good reason. He's quite a team player but he's smart enough to know when duty needs to override loyalty. It's by no means a blind thing.

    Anna, on the other hand, would say no, these are my friends, I'm not going to do anything to harm them.

I'd expect she'd make an assessment too. If the LL were behaving oddly or suddenly seemed immoral she'd be quick enough to take action against them.

    There's a fine line here though: If the govt believes Lara would do everything it asks, they'd be mistaken. If they simply trust her judgement instead, then they might be right that she'd be a stabilizing influence. I guess it all comes down to what they trust.

I think right now the world governments would prefer a team that didn't want to create a massive metahuman overclass that can deny international law and politics.

    Then again, she's not leading the Lair Legion, either. So it depends whether the govt thinks just her presence and input is enough to be stabilizing.

Well, she hasn't conquered a country (spiffy, two actually), a planet (Lisa, two), threatened the president (CSFB!), murdered a senator (Dark Knight), destroyed a world (Dancer), run a kingdom of hell (Nats) or worked for the Hooded Hood (Librarian).

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