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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Seven is what the focus groups felt was best.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 08:24:57 pm EDT (Viewed 429 times)
Reply Subj: Re: Seven is what the focus groups felt was best.
Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 at 05:29:30 pm EDT (Viewed 1 times)

    But a real soldier, at least an officer, is expected to intelligently interpret orders and to refuse illegal ones.

If Mr. Epitome had orders to neutralize the Lair Legion he just might. Anna would refuse outright, which is the difference between the two - Anna won't set aside her feelings to follow orders.

    Hodgekiss is a selection by the shadowy government manipulator the Grey Eminence (also the force behind the creation of Mr Epitome and Glory). As such he's from a very different power base than the UN-backed WW2 hero Drury. He's more in the pocket of X-Files' Cigarette Smoking Man-types. Whether Hodgekiss knows this or is just their choice because they understand his nature has yet to be revealed.


    She should also be cautious of any membership invitation e-mail that is also addressed to the Racoon People.

Her spam filter probably deleted it.


      And now she has the opposite problem to worry about. If she's on the LL roster, she might be the slight tipping point which makes the LL go from just somewhat dangerous and annoying to world class threat in the govt's opinion. Because now, they're lawless, lacking direction, *and* they have a powerful elemental protecting them. Lara knows there's some comfort to the govt and press in maintaining a division between the Lair Legion and herself.

    The LL already have a demigod, an elder being, and a herald of Galactivac. There's overkill.

That's what I meant by tipping point. The LL is already teetering on the edge of the govt believing it's way too dangerous. If Lara joined, it would fall right over that edge. Not implying that she's so much more powerful, it's more like pouring a glass of water into a bucket that's already overflowing.


      What might be even more scary to the public though is after I post an upcoming mini-story about where Faite has been hiding all this time. After I wrote it, and this story started, I wondered if CSFB! might offer *her* membership in the LL as well (I wonder why he hasn't extended an olive branch to the Hooded Hood too?).

    CSFB! has a very clear idea of heroes and villains. He sometimes calls the Hood his "bestest villain" (although the Word also qualifies). He wouldn't want to spoil things by having the Hood change sides. He doesn't believe the Hood would change sides - and he's right.

I'll decide whether to start posting the Faite story this week or next (if it's this week it'll be alongside the last Zephiir's Prophecy chapter).

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