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Subj: Office redecoration for starters, apparently.
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 at 05:12:37 pm EDT (Viewed 450 times)
Reply Subj: What does it encourage, exactly?
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 at 03:58:42 pm EDT (Viewed 8 times)

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    And there were a few fairly frank conversations in there...

When your job descrition is "agent of chaos" you're going to lead the Legion in certain directions.

    I'm reminded of the Cuban Missile Crisis film "13 Days" where every plan the military brought to the president lead to an obvious snowballing of the conflict.

    I always found it odd that they never considered themselves candidates to be the cooler heads that they were counting on to get them out of that mess. In any event, personalities don't seem to be heading into any cooler territories between the Legion and their new government overseer.

Don't worry, there's a protocol to deal with this. It's right there in the title of the chapter.

    Poor Garrick... I really didn't think he needed to worry that he'd lose his job because he wasn't enough of a hard-ass. Almost makes me feel sorry for the elephant dung thing. Almost.

He's an appointee of the previous administration.

    Fun stuff with Dream and Yuki... especially the latter's indignity at having to be the adult in the relationship. I also liked the tension within the team at the meeting, with Nats noting how nobody else got a say before every power on the planet was welcomed to the team.

The Yuki/Dream dialogue came almost entirely from an e-mail I sent Kirk back when we were corresponding over the CSFB! leadership issue.

    Not a bad roster that the government proposed, actually. I even had Jingo Bell on my list, until I looked her up in the Who's Who and read the bit by CSFB about her having no powers or skills, and being entirely a mascot rather than a crime-fighter. Kind of telling that the Gov. doesn't seem to think that's going to be any kind of problem for the role they see their Legion playing.

The first quality expected of an officer is integrity.

    Finally, poor Sally... She's got a raw deal, and now she's got trouble of a whole different level. Hopefully the new Z goes easy on the previous costume. I liked her even before I accidentally wore her...

Now we're really got to get that line of dialogue into continuity.

    Looking forward to the next bit!

I'm hoping to grab some time tomorrow to write it.

>>And there were a few fairly frank conversations in there...

>When your job descrition is "agent of chaos" you're going to lead the Legion in certain directions.

Can you even follow chaos? Wouldn't that require organization, leading you away fro chaos?

>Don't worry, there's a protocol to deal with this. It's right there in the title of the chapter.

And really, plans drawn up well before the specifics of any situation come about are always real winners.

>>Poor Garrick... I really didn't think he needed to worry that he'd lose his job because he wasn't enough of a hard-ass. Almost makes me feel sorry for the elephant dung thing. Almost.

>He's an appointee of the previous administration.

True, but that was the hard-ass, pro-torture administration. Now we have the bleeding heart socialist administration. I suppose bipartisanship is way down either way...

>>Fun stuff with Dream and Yuki... especially the latter's indignity at having to be the adult in the relationship. I also liked the tension within the team at the meeting, with Nats noting how nobody else got a say before every power on the planet was welcomed to the team.

>The Yuki/Dream dialogue came almost entirely from an e-mail I sent Kirk back when we were corresponding over the CSFB! leadership issue.

Did he volunteer to pay for all of the broken office furniture in that conversation? Someone's going to get splinters...

>>Not a bad roster that the government proposed, actually. I even had Jingo Bell on my list, until I looked her up in the Who's Who and read the bit by CSFB about her having no powers or skills, and being entirely a mascot rather than a crime-fighter. Kind of telling that the Gov. doesn't seem to think that's going to be any kind of problem for the role they see their Legion playing.

>The first quality expected of an officer is integrity.

Maybe, but I'd like to think that the second one might include some combat training if they're going to be leading people into battle...

>>Finally, poor Sally... She's got a raw deal, and now she's got trouble of a whole different level. Hopefully the new Z goes easy on the previous costume. I liked her even before I accidentally wore her...

>Now we're really got to get that line of dialogue into continuity.

Sadly, I'm not sure if he knew her before then, although they may have met when Beth was Vizh's next door neighbor...

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