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Anime Jason 

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Subj: What has she been involved in?
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 12:49:45 pm EST (Viewed 362 times)
Reply Subj: Not as many as if Kerry had been involved.
Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 at 03:53:49 am EST (Viewed 2 times)

    Well, Josh's creation Screwdriver (just about the last surviving Josh cast member still in play - that lad did tidy up after himself) is homage to and fills the niche of Justin Hammer, supervillain broker, and as such would make a good adversary for any hero. He's more of a James Bond mastervillain than a combat type, so if he was annoyed by Yuki or Chiaki he'd likely contract agents to go and take them down (or rather try); but only if it made sound business sense - if it was cheaper to give Chiaki a million dollar cheque to make her go away he'd probably do that.

He might run into trouble with trying to have Chiaki assassinated anyhow - most of the higher-class assassins know her through Akiko and would refuse to take the job (and the lower-end ones would never make it alive). She would probably also turn down a million dollars to go away.

    The problem is that he doesn't really break the law in many detectable ways. He's got too many middle men. We've seen one of his training islands in the Carribean (it had an unfortunate Legion experience) but there's no direct link back to him. Screwdriver keeps his hands clean. What makes him dangerous is his underworld connections.

Chiaki has the unique position of being someone who's pretty well connected herself. She's also really difficult to break down or have killed. But because she's not law enforcement or Lair Legion, she really doesn't have much motivation to bother Screwdriver until he becomes particularly annoying to her somehow.

What might really be interesting is to see what happens if the Lair Legion has problems with Screwdriver...but Chiaki is asked by Akiko as a personal favor to stay out of it. She would have some tough choices to make.

    She'd have some difficulty because Black was tying up the entire Badripoor comms net at the time (deliberately). Even the LL couldn't get signals out, as attested by Hallie.

I'm sure Champagne had something to resort to, maybe carrier pidgeons?

    Tom doesn't really care who he pisses off. He's got something of a death wish due to circumstances from before his series started, including some of his service in the Parody War. He relies on his training as an intelligence officer, his ability to plan and anticipate, and his growing power in that order to keep him ahead of the game.

As an interesting aside I thought of while reading this, have you seen any of the Dexter series? The way he tracks down his "victims" and verifies that they're the right one is one of the sources I draw on for how Keiko used to do her job.

    As for assassin attack, Tom might not spot an assailant but if he or she has a life aura his will o'th wisps would, even if Tom was sleeping.

To be honest, in Tom Black's case, Keiko probably would not take that kind of job unless she was really heavily paid for it, and even then maybe not. She wouldn't consider any job with so many variables to be routine at all. If she faces any personal danger (aside from being caught) the price goes way up, and she still may turn it down. It's likely if she saw those orbs as dangerous to her she would abort and turn down the job entirely.

If they were just there to alert him, though, she would use their presence against him and turn them into a trap. That would actually make her job easier.

Chiaki, of course, isn't an assassin for hire, but if she had reason to go after Tom those orbs would not deter her the least bit. She wouldn't care at all that they alert Tom of her presence, because she believes he doesn't have a reason to run from her. She has a calming demeanor and quiet attitude that makes her seem non-offensive and non-dangerous most of the time, and she uses that to disarm many enemies by seeming not to be a threat.

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