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> After being a lurker/occasional commentator in recent years, I'm dropping back in on this board to say hi and reconnect. The past year especially has been long, hard, and crazy. A lot of good has come of it; I have a BA in English, a lovely long-term girlfriend who I live with, a cute kitten that we adopted together, some good work in the Claremont Graduate University MA program and a bunch of crazy trips to the East Coast. The downside has been the fact that I've been dealing with quite a bit of neuropathic pain, more or less under control these days, but debilitating for many months. Years of taking too many antidepressants under the less-than-enlightened guidance of a psychiatrist have really fucked me up, but I'm getting my life back together.
> The best creative thing that I've done this year has been to launch a webcomic, a complete revamp of a concept I fooled around with earlier. The comic, Ruby's World, is located thus...
> The comic updates with a new chapter every month or two, since it is being done exclusively in my spare time between school/life stuff. Any feedback would be appreciated.
> Also, I've kept up with comics over the past year, and while I'm largely disappointed with a lot of the Big Two stuff, there's plenty of good material out there. I've also been reading a massive amount of Chris Claremont X-Work, trying to make sense of the labrynthine framework of his writings over the decades.
> Hope you all are doing well, and happy Holidays.
Higher-quality art markers ( as opposed to, say, Crayola ) that are sold in specialty stores. They're not cheap, but they give a rich coloring effect.