> Still not sure I agree with the observations contrasting Anna with the rest of the AIs in the cast, but her hearts in the right place. If she has a heart that is. And if it's in her chest, and not, I don't know, under her left knee or anything.
There's not enough room in her knee, so the heart is where it usually would be.
The point I was really trying to get across, of how Anna is different, is that she picks up habits and isn't even conscious of them sometimes. And that she learns many of them from being around humans, without really thinking about it. She learns, but isn't even really aware of it.
If you notice, Anna herself really doesn't assume that Hallie can't do the same. She suggested it to the A.I., in fact.
> I'll have to give some thought to what affect Anna's memories may have on Hallie...
They're "relevant" memories, so they probably have to do with flashes of memory of the historical events that happened since Anna went active. For Hallie it would be like watching the History Channel on fast forward.