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Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,835
Subj: On this.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 06:15:09 pm EDT
Reply Subj: That brings up another question for all of you...even lurkers...to answer.
Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 02:18:42 am EDT (Viewed 572 times)

> I emailed Ian a while back, acknowledging that the current PV storyline had way too many subplots to wrap up quickly.  I volunteered to take up some of the slack if he wanted, to advance the main storyline more quickly.  At the time he declined, saying it wasn't necessary.  But he also explained that work demands and declining participation was putting writing at a low priority.

Sorry about the delays. It's a combination of less time to write, me once again underestimating the number of chapters it would take to work out a story, and a major lull in poster participation which makes carrying these stories along easier.

I'm thinking now that I'll truncate this storyline and finish it off as soon as possible rather than playing out the full plot I'd originally envisaged.

> This post is to say that my offer is still open...pending the answer to a question.  And I'm hoping if it works out, maybe the few of us left can pick up pieces and help out.  It did start as a round robin, after all.

I'm happy for people to tie up any and all plotlines they started. I'd prefer to complete the ones I set in motion myself, since I know what I've laid in place already to bring them to conclusion.

> It's likely there are quite a few people who believe if Ian doesn't finish it, it shouldn't be finished.

I don't expect to leave the storyline unfinished. Why would I?

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