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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
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Location: Seattle, Washington
Member Since: Sun Jan 04, 2004
Posts: 1,038
Subj: Me, on the story front...
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 10:11:31 pm EDT (Viewed 449 times)
Reply Subj: I'm still here.
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 09:52:34 pm EDT (Viewed 607 times)

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> 1.  Where do you think people are going?

It's summer so I think outside.

> 2.  Do you wish the PVB was something it currently isn't?

No. Maybe. I don't know. I just want to the PV to continue.

> 2a. Different kinds of stories, missing characters, etc?

I wouldn't mind more stories & the return of any of the myriad of missing Characters. I want stuff from Scott (beyond Caption the Pic) but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

> 2b. Or has it gone too soft, gotten too silly, etc?

I have not seen softness, if it's there: I've been ignoring it/not aware of it.

I do like the silly so Silly is welcomed by me. Bring it on!

> 3.  Is the PVB taking up time that doesn't exist (i.e. time from work, chores, etc) and therefore getting you in trouble you can do without?  For instance are you always close to getting busted reading the PVB at work, or taking time from work, getting you in trouble at work or with family?

I don't get internet access at work but then I work in retail so neither do many of the people I work with. Also, I had family over for the last 2 weeks & I posted 2 or 3 stories so work/family hasn't stopped my posting.

> 4.  Is there someplace else, possibly an alternative to the PVB that you feel is a better investment of your leisure time?  Another message board?  Facebook?  Something similar?

I do have another side of my online activities & it's Micro Heroes (Pixel art if you want to get general). I try to not favor one of the other but sometimes I just get into a project & devote my time there. I'm in the middle of 2 projects, one here & one there. The split is working fine at the moment.

> 5.  Is the PVB itself "too silly" and you've gone on to more serious things?

Yes & No. Most of older is stuff is embarrassing/silly & my more recent stuff is "more serious" but still with some sense of whimsy! I can't leave the the silliness behind it's almost one of my trademarks.

> 6.  Are you afraid your chosen profession would be harmed by associating with the PVB?  

No. I doubt my work even cares. As along as I do my work in a timely manner, they need be none the wiser.

> 6a. Or that it will endanger your family or kids?  Is it a case of "I would have stuck with the PVB but I can't have it (bookmarked) where the kids/wife can see it"?

I talk to my parents all the time about what I write. I've told a few people about the Parodyverse

> Feel free to add your own reasons, and also feel free to answer for anyone you've heard from who's no longer with the board.

The only thing I've heard recently is KS is taking a break from writing but he's still around.

I've got a few different stories planned. I haven't started writing many of them but I was under the idea that there would be some place around for me to post them.

I have at least one story is an holding pattern. Yes, it involves the round robin. I want to know where the story ends up before I write my epilogue to said story. I have another story that I holding off on since I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with it/it involves people tied up in the Round Robin. I will post a story about the Cult of Chad & Ronnie soon!

I have a handful of ideas that don't have character tied up in the RR, well... Catherine kind of is but she's on the Parrodipolis side, not the Land that Common Sense Forgot side so I more leeway to where she can go & what she can do. After I finish up her adventure at the Library I have at least 3 possible stories to do with her and/or his supporting cast. I got this great idea for Grandpa Thomas that I want to do! There is a work idea that I have.

Oh.. I have another idea that I'm holding off on since it would need to take place after the round robin/I haven't called to Kirk about the idea: it would be a follow up story to Catherine's meeting with April. I kind of want Dream in it.

I have few other stories ideas floating around so I should be set until at least the Fall which then I could do holiday themed stuff (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & Chrismahannaqwanza to name a few) So, that could take me up to the new year!

I got the time, the ideas & maybe the energy: I just need to write it all down! So I want/need the PV to be around!

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