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killer shrike

In Reply To
Anime Jason 

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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
Posts: 2,835
Subj: My answers
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 02:09:42 am EDT
Reply Subj: And the question on everyone's mind (I hope)...
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 at 12:58:23 am EDT (Viewed 531 times)

Previous Post

...where is everyone?

I feel like I'm taking a huge risk posting World Class right now, since the last one only got 3 replies...and one of those people may be gone right now.  But I have to, because my only PV story (the space one) is too far ahead of the current other posts.  I've had email discussions in the last two weeks about the lack of participation with another poster too.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed that the board is currently in a "slow time".  This particular "slow time" concerns me though, for two reasons.  First, it seems to have happened very rapidly, and seems to be very persistent, which is nothing new for slow times at this board.  Second, however, is that the warnings about the board getting too slow, and the pleas for people to post more, have fallen on deaf ears.

On that last count, it's the first time that's happened.  During the last year or so, we've had major several slowdowns, but they were followed by a revival after someone comes along to spur posters into activity.  This time it didn't work, and that's what worries me.

In other words, it's beginning to look to me like some of the regulars who support this board have already consciously decided to give up.  I feel like my persistent support of this board and continued posting may border on becoming silly.  I can't help but wonder if the people who left would roll their eyes and say "Geez, let it go already."

I don't really want to let it go, though, so I'm going to ask questions:

1.  Where do you think people are going?  

2.  Do you wish the PVB was something it currently isn't?  Different kinds of stories, missing characters, etc?  Or has it gone too soft, gotten too silly, etc?

3.  Is the PVB taking up time that doesn't exist (i.e. time from work, chores, etc) and therefore getting you in trouble you can do without?  For instance are you always close to getting busted reading the PVB at work, or taking time from work, getting you in trouble at work or with family?

4.  Is there someplace else, possibly an alternative to the PVB that you feel is a better investment of your leisure time?  Another message board?  Facebook?  Something similar?

5.  Is the PVB itself "too silly" and you've gone on to more serious things?

6.  Are you afraid your chosen profession would be harmed by associating with the PVB?  Or that it will endanger your family or kids?  Is it a case of "I would have stuck with the PVB but I can't have it (bookmarked) where the kids/wife can see it"?

Feel free to add your own reasons, and also feel free to answer for anyone you've heard from who's no longer with the board.

I'm here. I read and respond to stuff that interests me, though to be blunt there is less of such material on the board.

As for writing, since it has become work for me and the pay off in reader feedback has dwindled I decided to take a break from putting up new stories.

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