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Anime Jason 

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Subj: Re: Just la la. It generally works.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 at 08:14:58 pm EDT (Viewed 482 times)
Reply Subj: Just la la. It generally works.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 at 03:31:38 pm EDT

> > Fortunately Chiaki is not terribly offended at being called a Space Fandom. I have to wonder, though, if Chiaki managed to nudge the Commissioner into believing she's not one. After all, her crime-busting blitz and sudden cooperation has amazing timing.
> Given Graham's doubts about the Purveyors/Legion and therefore about 'Hatman' he's likely to view any claims Hatman makes with some caution. However, his is close to tieing Chiaki to the Safe breakout, so an "it was a Space Fandom" defence might be what Graham is hoping for.

As Chiaki would say to that, silence speaks volumes. In other words she doesn't have to lie to force people to their own conclusions.

> > Lara Night, on the other hand, will likely be deeply offended. Considering the source of the accusation, though, she's going to aim her anger in the Doorman's direction - and she can really hurt him if she chooses (of course what weakens that is her reluctance to kill vs no such reluctance of his). Too bad she's too busy in space to do anything about it.
> Lara's difficulty against Doorman - indeed any baseline human's difficulty - is that he can treat the various valves of the body as doors to open or close; and he has no reluctance to kill.

The last time the two met during the Moderator saga, Lara figured out she can play a shadow game, remaining intangible when he tries to harm her, but then become solid enough to harm him. It was probably the first time I showed her displaying true super-heroic intelligence.

Of course that also limits her effectiveness to being a nuisance. Or kicking his butt very slowly.

> > I'm wondering what exactly Vinnie is up to. It's kind of strange for him just to go out and punish people without a reason. And even if he's just angry, I wonder what will happen when he focuses it. Will he look for his missing friends?
> We've not seen Vinnie cross before. And he does come from a family of occult villains, and he could have been one of them, so if he chooses to stop being a nice guy for a while he can do it quite effectively. But really he just doesn't like Styxus.

Too bad he hasn't thought to find Liu Xi, then.

As an aside, it looks like Vinnie and Lara would make an ideal team-up at some point. Both are characters that have seriously understated power.

> > I think I know what the ending means. Danny means his world ended, not everyone's. The question is whether he thinks he ended only himself or if he thinks took out Kerry too.
> As Vizh has already surmised, the Danny that Liu Xi met comes from a few chapters along in our storyline.

Since no one is able to rescue Liu Xi across time lines (EEE can't, Lara can't, and I don't think Vinnie can), I guess that means Liu Xi will have to master the time lines herself somehow.

> > The bad news for the Void Scholar is he doesn't realize how suspicious Liu Xi has become, and how easily she could pass that suspicion along to Danny. Now he may have two very powerful people putting all their resources into escaping and rescuing the Lair Legion.
> They're welcome to leave as soon as Danny's fit to travel. Sadly, the year is now 2145 and the Earth isn't there any more.

See above. I don't know anyone who can master time, so either Liu Xi has to learn or she has an entire century to herself from now on. \:\)

> > ....but first Liu Xi has to convince Danny that he's not useless or dangerous. Possibly by using herself as an example.
> But she is dangerous.

Not recently.

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