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Hatman via the Hooded Hood

Subj: And I think we need to kickstart this plotline again. Anyone free for a chat tonight around 5pm EST?
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 03:16:25 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Saving the Future – Part 20.1: Very Special Guest Star
Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 at 03:12:07 pm EDT (Viewed 3 times)

Saving the Future – Part 20.1: Very Special Guest Star
> Previously:
> In The Moderator Saga we learn that an alternate-reality version of the Hooded Hood's son Denial became the worlds-conquering Moderator by draining the life force of thousands of alternate-reality versions of his probability arsonist girlfriend Kerry.
> In Saving the Future #1 the Lair Legion act against this reality's Danny Lyle to ensure that he cannot go the same way and threaten all reality.
> In Saving the Future #3: That's The Way The Story Goes we learn that the cosmic office holder the Chronicler of Stories has warned of the possible dangers of Denial - a potential end of the Parodyverse - and has provoked a world response to deal with him.
> In Saving the Future #8: The Final Solution the hunt for Danny is interrupted when ancient traps shift Parody Island, every on it, and the SPUD helicarrier out of regular timespace.
> In Saving the Future #9: The Land That Common Sense Forgot we learn that the Legion are now scattered in a mysterious agglomeration of savage "stitch-worlds". Meanwhile, Baroness von Zemo, Kerry Shepherdson, and the Federal Metahuman Resource Centre are all promoting line-up for "New Lair Legions." The Baroness' team is a disguised Purveyors of Peril. Elementalist Liu Xi Xian found herself in some mysterious Limbo Garden with the Void Scholar who claims to be her grandfather.
> In Saving the Future #9.1: Adventures in Parodyverse Chiaki Bushido, the Psychic Samurai released captives from the Safe metahuman Penitentiary in an attempt to distract the new Legion. Hatman's evil alternate reality double Doorman additionally freed the massively powerful Onslaughter.
> In Saving the Future #10: The Age of Villains Danny Lyle reclaimed ownership of his absent father's Herringcarp Asylum and remade the dimension-spanning Portal of Pretentiousness. The Junior Lair Legion managed to thwart Onslaughter's murderous rampage through Paradopolis by shifting him through the portal to the Sun. Onslaughter began making his way back to Earth.
> In Saving the Future #12: The New Lair Legions, the Purveyors began to weed out all opposition. Early targets were the FMRC Legion, who were trapped and mostly slaughtered by Doorman and the villains. U.S Action, Komodo, and Ultimette survived because of intervention of the mysterious Citizen Z (presumably not Baroness von Zemo in disguise this time), but later learned that they and their team-mates were all short-life clones with false implanted memories.
> In Saving the Future #20: Good Intentions we see the Void Scholar's plans to bring Danny and Liu Xi together to exploit a child they could breed and his plans to mate with Fashion Accessory to birth Liu Xi's ultimate ancestor begin to bear fruit. Under Dr Loveray's influence Kerry and Vinnie de Soth end up in bed together. Meanwhile boy genius Salieri Meng is following up clues about the Legion's disappearance.
> In Saving the Future #15.1: Hazardous Chemicals, Alcheman pushed back against previous persecution by the Purveyors of Peril by capturing VelcroVixen - but those events run concurrent to our present story.
> Previous Chapters
> The Hooded Hood's Homepage of Doom
> Who's Who in the Parodyverse


>     Doorman watched as the SPUD Helicarrier exploded atop the Lair Mansion, a wide grin plastered on his face. He hadn't initially planned on making such a bold move this early in the game, but when he had learned that sap Hatman had voluntarily imprisoned himself the opportunity was too good to pass up.
>     Doorman stepped through a door to escape the nuclear fallout from the powerful helicarrier engines, and promptly found himself standing before the door he had entered. "What the hell?" he muttered to himself. Unbeknownst to the villain, Sir Mumphrey's temporal pocket watch had reset events in the immediate vicinity.
>     It was then he noticed the lack of nuclear explosions. "Aw c'mon, that's cheating!" he whined. Then he noticed the lack of a Lair Mansion.
>     "Ooh, even better!" he exclaimed. He changed his destination and stepped through the doorway once again.
>     He needed to see a man about a cape.
* * * * *

>     The Baroness could not believe her recent change of fortune. Her eventual release from captivity was a given, but having been set free to protect a world trembling with feat at the prospect of losing its super-powered defenders was something even she hadn't planned for.
>      She did have plans for the takedown of several at-large supervillains. It was not only good for the image, but it also allowed her to legally eliminate the competition. This time when she took over the world she intended to keep it.
>     "Knock knock," came a familiar-sounding voice from behind her.
>     Elizabeth spun on her heel and fired her disruptor pistol at her wardrobe cabinet, the source of the sound. Even as she searched for the intruder she wondered if her clothes would be covered by hazard pay.
>     The door to her room swung open, and her assailant flew through it to tackle her to the floor. She struggled against him, but he was too strong for her. Switching tactics, the Baroness stopped fighting to get a better look at her opponent.
>     "Hatman?" she said in surprise. All the reports she had read, before and after she had been granted access to SPUD's files, had reported Hatman gone with the rest of the Lair Legion.
>     "Close, but no cigar," Jay Boaz responded before pressing his lips to hers.
* * * * *

>     The Baroness tried to blink away the spots before her eyes as the media snapped picture after picture and the bright lights of the video cameras shone in her face.
>     "I would like to take this opportunity to announce that Hatman is alive! Narrowly escaping the fate that befell the rest of the Lair Legion, Hatman has agreed to join me in leading the all-new Lair Legion against the perils that face our world. Any comment Hatman?"
>     The man in the Hatman costume smiled at the cameras. "I'm just happy to be here," Doorman answered honestly.
* * * * *

> Coming Next: There Can be Only One – a fight to the finish from… the Hooded Hood



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