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Subj: It would have to be a recliner.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 at 03:24:41 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Maybe you're seated in a throne of bones?
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 09:19:08 pm EDT

> > This wasn't the place for tragedy. I always intended to give Caph a happy ending. That's how fairy tales go (except for the cautionary ones). Of course, there also has to be Aa bit of dramatic tension first.
> And lots of bondage sex, apparently. But the Caphan story arc has to be one of the longest and most involved ever done at the board, certainly. It's good to see a resolution to it.

I think I may have missed the chapter on bondage sex.

> > I'm hoping the Shoggoth might want to cover the Ebony/new Caphans meeting. I deliberatly arranged it so that our "regular" Earth Caphans aren't around for the newbies first encounters with Earth culture. They'll be back sometime after the end of the Saving the Future arc, once their tent-sisters have had their times of blessing.

> I wondered why Vizh was leaving Miiri and the others behind. Naturally they'd want to stay until the heirs to the throne were born, of course. I don't really want to know all that goes into that ceremony, certainly... especially the parts I made up.

Miiri referenced her intentions to head back to Earth after the birthings when she and Vizh had their midnight tete a tete. Perhaps you were distracted somehow?

> > I was a bit distracted with that moderator stuff.

> That kind of thing tends to happen around here. Actually, this year's stories have seemed to bleed one into the next more than they do on average. I'm not sure if this is a residual affect from the unifying nature of the Parody War or not.

Interesting theory. Unfortunately we're now well below the viable number of posters.

> > You might want to consider putting together a homecoming scene or two as well. We need to establish the Kerry/Magweed/Griffin dynamic, and there should really be some kind of dialogue between bespiir of Viisionary and her new Master - if only to put right certain misconceptions. Maybe slave-mistress Hallie would have a view?

> I have a few ideas, and of course now I'm free to get the ball rolling on the Visionary stuff we had discussed last year. I'll keep my fingers crossed that finding the time to write isn't too difficult.

Splendid. Proceed.

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