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Subj: I keep telling people that. Nobody believes me.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 02:49:37 pm EDT
Reply Subj: You old softy.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 12:24:09 pm EDT

> Not that I'm complaining, mind you... I'm all for comedy over tragedy, myself, and there's no reason to kill characters that can go to a happily ever after ending that gets them out of the way instead. So thank you for letting them all recover.

This wasn't the place for tragedy. I always intended to give Caph a happy ending. That's how fairy tales go (except for the cautionary ones). Of course, there also has to be Aa bit of dramatic tension first.

> I am a bit surprised at how many new characters are coming back with the main cast... Looks like the ranks of hot green women will be adequately replenished. Who from Caph will still be around on Earth? From my recollection of this and previous chapters, it would include Miiri, Odoona, Deeela, Kriije, Koodi and Vespiir. Perhaps not a great net change in numbers, but now they all seem to have more distinct personalities or paths to follow.

That was my intention, yes. I think we'e probably exhausted the main plot possibilities of the original Caphan exiles, but there might be a few wrinkles with this new bunch that allows a few more stories.

I'm hoping the Shoggoth might want to cover the Ebony/new Caphans meeting. I deliberatly arranged it so that our "regular" Earth Caphans aren't around for the newbies first encounters with Earth culture. They'll be back sometime after the end of the Saving the Future arc, once their tent-sisters have had their times of blessing.

> I quite enjoyed the little snippets of the future that Vespiir glimpsed. I have no doubt that if the PV was to keep going long enough, all of those would somehow show up in future stories. I'm most intrigued by the mysterious person who called her "Violet Eyes"... Definitely a story there.

There's definitely a story there.

> The gathering of the Juniors for the return home (finally!) was a nice scene touching on all that they had been through. I also quite liked the bit between Lindsey and Danny... although it's somewhat tinged by knowing what lies in the immediate future for him.

Yes, I really intended to finish this storyline and the development arcs in it before plunging into anything else. I was a bit distracted with that moderator stuff.

> All in all, a really fun adventure that does a nice job of closing the book on the troubles of Caph. I'm sure there is plenty of opportunities to check in on them again in the future, but things came to a very satisfying resting place. Well done!

Closure was what I was really looking for in this rather extended 4-issue epilogue. This was the last remaining major strand left over from the multiple plots of the Parody War and I wanted to see it through properly. Of course, I originally envisaged it would be a single issue.

You might want to consider putting together a homecoming scene or two as well. We need to establish the Kerry/Magweed/Griffin dynamic, and there should really be some kind of dialogue between bespiir of Viisionary and her new Master - if only to put right certain misconceptions. Maybe slave-mistress Hallie would have a view?

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