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Member Since: Sun Sep 12, 2004
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Subj: Re: That was lucky for her.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 02:40:22 pm EDT
Reply Subj: That was lucky for her.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 12:02:06 pm EDT (Viewed 500 times)

> That would be really amusing, the Psychic Samurai creating another psychic samurai (only from another world).

While Chiaki and Vespiir's powers are somewhat - assuming Chiaki actually has abilities they're perhaps closer to D'Rpthy's than Vespiir's just now - the mental disciplines that the Samurai uses would be useful to Vespiir. Firstly, Vespiir's access to her abilities is completely random right now, with no co-ordination. She can't even control them enough to stop her being interrupted in everyday life. Secondly, Vespiir has had a very bad time recently and has very little self-esteem or personal confidence.

I haven't got any special plans to show Chiaki's meeting with Vespiir, but when Vespiir returns from her sojourn on Lemuria (which the Shoggoth is of course welcome to cover) there's no reason why you shouldn't flesh out her meeting with Chiaki. Timelinewise that'll likely be after Saving the Future.

> If they Juniors are going to college, does that mean they'll be running into Liu Xi a lot? She registered for classes there a while back.

It may well do. I expect to get round to the "super-teens at college" Omega House scenario eventually.

> Any particular reason the pidgeons are protecting Plyxtrazar?

This is as good a place as any to summarise the Plxtrazarian situation.

The Legion first enocuntered Plxtrazar during the Transworlds Challenge. It's an insignificant world that happens to border several important empires. It served as a useful buffer state to prevent the Skree, Shee-Yar, and Skunks territory butting right up to each other in that area of space, so it was left independent by mutual consent. Its location also made it a useful neutral marketplace, and Plxtrazar was famous for its Grand Bazaar. Tech-wise the majority of the population lived in early 20th century conditions, but much higher tech like interplanetary travel was available for the rich and powerful. Plztrazar did not have a single planetary government.

During the Transworlds Challenge each of the contestants had to acquire the rare Oomoozoo Spice from the Grand Bazaar. Most did this by going and buying it, but the Skree did it by blowing the hell out of the Bazaar, taking what they wanted, and leaving a crater to prevent other contestants from finding the Spice. They'd have done worse if the legion hadn't intervened.

This shattered the delicate truce that protected the planet. Undefended Plxtrazar became a target for pirates and gangsters. The various governments fell and the planet descended into terrified anarchy as powerful raiders picked it over for anything valuable.

It was into this situation that the Shoggoth sent Vaahir of Viigo as punishment for the Warlord's crimes and errors. Vaahir was to live amidst the poverty for a year, protecting what he could and rebuilding what could be saved. Vaahir became the leader of the Plxtrazarian resistance, their hero and champion. He was still serving in that capacity when the Hooded Hood and Shazana pel brought him the young Kiivan and Ohanna, rescued from Caph, and placed them in his care.

Before the year was up the Hooded Hood, Visionary, Kerry, and Hacker Nine joined Vaahir, Kiivan, Ohanna and Pel to decisively discourage raiders on Plxtrazar. Vaahir was offworld when the planet surrendered itself to the Parody Empire, but the planet suffered less than many others under Parody Master rule.

In the post-PM period Plxtrazar is again undefended in a turbulent area of space. Vaahir has arranged to headquarter the remaining Thonnagarians who now serve Pel on that world, at that world's invitation (in the form of Ambassador Yedo, a trusted if somewhat shy spokesman). Thonnagar was destroyed during a recent comsic catastrophe so the whole much-reduced Pigeonrace needs a base of operations. Pel felt they also needed a mission to restore their self respect. Protecting embattled Plxtrazar might be it.

Given their merchant backgrounds and their recent troubles, alliance with a powerful trading cartel might seem like a good deal to the people of Plxtrazar. Likewise, any alliance which opens up the possibilities for the Thonnagarians to sell their mercenary services 9and undercut the business of the Z'Sox) would also find favour.

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