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Subj: He's a lad with an eye to development.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 02:12:54 pm EDT
Reply Subj: As if his last apprenticeship wasn't bad enough...
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 at 07:44:29 pm EDT

> Yikes... He definitely can't bunk in my house any longer. That's one job I don't want to see anyone bring home with them.

Yes, I think it could be time for Zack to move out. Mind you, Dancer manages to commute in a similar role.

> Some fun teamwork there... whether it was done on the fly, or pre-planned, it was some impressive coordination. Personally, I'm all for bluffing the mighty cosmic forces of the universe, but that's usually because I don't have very many other options in those situations.

There was no realistic way to have the Juniors overpower the big G, so they had to talk their way out of it.

> So Zack's going to atone for the deaths he caused while working with the Hood and the near obliteration of Caph by leading Galactivac to other worlds to extinguish. Ouch... that can't be healthy, and I don't know if the job offers counseling through the human resources department. (In fact, "human resources" probably has a whole other meaning to the Big Suck that I don't want to think about.) Here's hoping the little punk can keep finding planets devoid of sentient life for the big guy... I worry what happens to Zack if he can't.

It's possible we might need to revisit that situation again eventually. It's certainly a hard ending to give to H9.

> An excellent near conclusion! I look forward to the big wrap-up!

I'm glad it's finally wrapped up too.

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