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Manga Shoggoth

Member Since: Fri Jan 02, 2004
Posts: 391
Subj: We must be thankful for small mercies
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 at 02:07:51 pm EDT
Reply Subj: It's Monday and I'm too tired to make puns in subject lines.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 at 06:48:17 am EDT (Viewed 593 times)

> (Plus there is all the added security around London today...)

The price of freedom is eternal vigilence.

> >     Ã¢â‚¬Å“I an High Priest of Raathi!” proclaimed Serooq. “I see more than other men. I do what I have to. What I see myself doing.”
> That makes him one incredible peeping tom...

Maybe he's a helpless pawn of fate.

> >     Ã¢â‚¬Å“I am High Priest of Raathi,” scorned Serooq. “My powers protect me from any blade.”
> >     Miiri’s Mythlands daggers were enchanted to cut through magics, and poisoned Ohanna was her sister. Her slash took Serooq right in the windpipe. The high priest rasped once, stared at the freewoman with a horrified realisation, then toppled dead.

> There's always one. Two in this case.

It does give a compelling reason for Miiri to live on a different planet.

> >     Ã¢â‚¬Å“I shall cut those whelps from your swollen bellies and feast upon them,” Troovis promised the pregnant Caphans.

> Caphan cusine has a lot to answer for...

It's all that reeb toor oil.

> >     Losiira ducked low away from his first slice, then rolled forwards to apply her needle-thin houri dagger with the precision a Caphan pleasure slave was expected to use against raiders who sought to carry her off or harm her children; one sharp thrust to penetrate the scrotum then a hard twist and slash.
> >     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Textbook,” admired Kriije from the floor as Troovis went down screaming.

> I like this scene.

Troovis didn't.

> >     ... All Caph had heard Serooq’s treasonous choice.

> Unless Kiivan loses, in which case it will be given a different blur.


> >     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Oh shut up, you dick!” snapped Herbert P. Garrick, his patience finally exhausted. He hammered a fist into the nearest guard, took the man’s sword off him, and hurled it into Jaan’s back. Bad News Herb was, after all, a trained G-Man. Nobody was assassinating a head of state on his watch.

> I know Garrick is supposed to be one of the annoyances, but I do like the occasional scenes like this.

It stops him being completely one dimensional.

> >     The moment was so intense that nobody noticed at first that the vacuum-ship above had completed its preparations and the nozzles were descending to draw all life from Caph.

> Question: What happens if - improbably - all the nozzles end up pointing to each other when he switches it on?

It would probably be bad. Unfortunately Galactivac is the one entity that can definitely trump Kerry's power.

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