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Subj: Of course.
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 at 01:52:14 pm EDT
Reply Subj: You just had to draw it out a little longer, didn't you?
Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 at 11:50:13 am EDT

> We don't know who might yet die... assuming Galactivac doesn't consume the whole planet, that is. So we know Sayaana, Kaara, Luuma, Philaana, Odoona and Koodi are all wounded enough to have others call out for their aid. And Ohanna is still awaiting the antedote to the poison she drank... although judging from Vespiir's comments, I think she's going to pull through.

I'm hoping to leave a few surprises for the final segment.

> I imagine there will be some substantial scarring on the survivors, who were all valued previously on their physical perfection. Hopefully it will help serve as an object lesson to the planet on what traits to truly value in a person. Still, it could be rough on them.

I imagine Caphans have evolved pretty good treatments for knife scarring given their cultural enthusiams; but really any scar acquired during a conflict to save the Emir of All Caph in front of an audience of millions can only add legend points and enhance a slave's value.

> A well done and rousing battle. I doubt Miiri did much to endear herself with the conservatives on Caph by drawing first blood on the priest, even if he did have it coming... but I doubt they could complain too loudly regardless.

Miiri shouldn't really look to a retirement on Caph anmy time soon.

> Kiivan did a nice job of making everyone choose sides and keeping the civil war confined to the throne room. He still likely has a tumultuous reign ahead of him... Provided the planet isn't eaten, again.

He's planning his ascendancy to Caliph with Hood-like precision.

> Good stuff!

The last of the old vintage. Now I have to write new stuff. Somehow.

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