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Subj: It really all depends on the service.
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 at 02:09:06 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Who doesn't enjoy some light conversation before dinner?
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 at 10:48:10 am EDT

> The interior of Galactivac's ship allowed for quite a bit of imaginative adventure as well as some very clever applications of the Junior's (and guests) powers. Vaahir's gravity suggestion seemed like especially good strategy, so it's no wonder his people look up to him as an almost Captain America like leader. It's almost enough to make me entirely forget how I was introduced to him...

The boy's learning to make good. Of course, if he survives this there's that whole Quest for Kaara arc; if Kaara survives this. I'm still undecided on whether I'm writing comedy or tragedy here.

> Nah, he's more than made good at this point. He and Pel have an interesting platonic relationship... I hope they get out of this alive.

I expect at least one of them will.

> Well, I hope we all do, really. I'm not going to start picking out the characters I could see go. That's just mean... and you really don't need my encouragement to be harsh to the cast.

I think people overestimate how often I'm cruel to the dast. And it's months since I killed off a cast member.

> Nice of you to slip the Vizh/Kerry moment in there as well. Maybe not the most natural of times to come to that issue, but very Stan and Jack like, storytelling wise, which I think is fitting.

It harked back to Kerry's comment to Mircandalee about her and Vizh never really getting down to the serious stuff unless they'd screwed up or the world was ending, maybe both. This scenario met the criteria.

> Looking forward to more!

I've got one more section written and then I need to actually do the finale.

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