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HH has lost the next section twice now today due to computer crashes

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Subj: My computer seems to be telling me that it objects to me using complicated memory-eating programmes like Word.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 at 02:11:14 pm EDT
Reply Subj: Obviously, people are telling me that I need to go away for the weekend more often.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 at 03:47:36 pm EDT

> Good to see this cliffhanger resumed! I was a bit surprised to find all of the court intrigue interrupted so immediately by Galactivac's arrival at the end of the last chapter, so it's good to see those subplots continuing in some form.

The only was to resolve them was to find a reason for the Juniors and Co to be somewhere else.

> So this certainly seems to be the ultimate graduation challenge for the Juniors, who have been through quite a bit since they were last in a classroom. I guess I'm a big believer in on the job training... especially as it requires less time forming the lesson plan for the day.

They might possibly get a fairly hard test in Shaving the Future too.

> I'm not sure if the negotiation is the best course to take with Galactivac... he doesn't seem the chatty type. Then again, it's better than challenging him to fisticuffs, although 'Gaz might disagree.

Really at this point there's not a lot to lose by trying.

> The assault on his ship was clever, and a nice mix of personalities and abilities. There will be some heavy whomping to be done on the inside of the vessel, no doubt, as well as plenty of Kirby architecture. I look forward to the many, many dots.

I look forward to being able to edit the chapter without my computer crashing. I suspect the machine doesn't like the heat.

> For me, the latest chapter was the juiciest, as we got to uncover the plot against the emir and see the Caphan court work to straighten itself on its own. Best to leave the aliens to deal with the alien threat, and deal with the revolution in house. At least the sleazeballs have been identified and made their moves... all the better to clean up that lot once and for all. I do think he'll regret having sneered at the assembled slaves backing Kiivan... They haven't exactly led serene and pampered lives.

But they're badly outnumbered, and we've already done their touching farewell scene.

> Looking forward to the next part, and enjoying the (idea of) daily posts!

I'd have put up another part today if I'd not already lost my edits and expansions to the next section twice, if I wasn't absolutely exhausted from another incredibly long workday, and if more than five people were reading. As it is, my apologies to the regulars and I think I'll come back to this another day.

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