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Member Since: Sun Sep 02, 2007
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As HH was saying before he prematurely hit the post button...

Subj: I always wanted...
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 at 08:28:24 am EDT (Viewed 558 times)
Reply Subj: Nice crossover - and I expect tonight's Dr Who episode will start a whole new slew of them
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 at 04:54:54 am EDT

> Since John Barrowman has already gone on record as asking "Who else would dare flirt with Sarah Jane if not Captain Jack?" and adding that they had "a moment" in one particular scene which he wonders might be kept in.

In the 1st SJA she tells Maria that some go in guns blazing. I always thought she meant Torchwood and thought it would be great if they didn’t get along.

I cant wait till Rose's mom and Donna meet. Meeeow! Scratch! I just can't see them getting along.

And the mothers having a chat about the Doctor. Rose, Donna and Martha's moms all dissing him. LOL!

I so wish I could watch the episode you guys saw. Sure, I could follow Willard's lead and download it, but my family want to watch it in TV and I want to watch it with them.

I've been obsessed with the last 3 parter ever since I saw the preview.

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