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Manga Shoggoth

Member Since: Fri Jan 02, 2004
Posts: 391
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The Hooded Hood checks that new stories are still allowed on the board

Subj: It's my lunchbreak and I'll reply if I want to...
Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 07:52:20 am EDT (Viewed 392 times)
Reply Subj: Saving the Future – Part 19: Probable Cause
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 at 10:28:14 am EDT (Viewed 1 times)

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Perhaps you’d better tell us for the Shoggoth, Jay?” Nats prompted. “We wouldn’t want to interrupt any serious, um, twig research.”

It's always the research budget that goes first. Then tre training budget.

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Like recombinant pizza,” offered CSFB!

I don't want to know.

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Hey, don’t knock the kid,” Drury said. “I’m guessin’ he didn’t get mind-zapped ‘cause his mind’s someplace else, but whatever he just saved out butts.”

I can see the new title now: Ronald Beesleyhuxtoy, Agent of SPUD.

>     Koom shook his head. He looked hesitant to reveal his news to the young girl. “I did overhear two of the Nightwalkers mentioning some massacre they’d arranged for some strangers in Umsharr…”
>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Ah,” said Magweed. “That’ll be my friends, then. Good.”
>     Chelema looked shocked. “Good? They’re your friends!”
>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Yes,” agreed the girl. “But they don’t massacre easily. And then they tend to come and put things right.”

Another good line.

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“That’s part of the problem we currently have, yes,” the possibly-fake man admitted. “Well, let’s do this before Cromlyn does bad things to Dancer and Amber and Flapjack. Or does more than two or three bad things to Garrick.”

He doesn't like Garrick much, does he?

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“I arranged the destruction of one generation of heroes,” Cromlyn reminded him. “Another is no trouble at all. Of course, last time I had the help of the world’s governments to arrange tax frauds and sex scandals and quiet blackmail to make the metahumans of the second world war go away and retire. I hardly had to resort to altering their minds at all. This time will be far more visceral. Grand guinol.”

Grand guinol is so 1890s.

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“I stopped because a true guardian has to have some discrimination,” answered the banshee of Marie Murcheson, gliding down the spiral staircase towards them. “Neither of you have evil intent. Well, neither of you are giving in to evil intent, which is actually rather nobler. So here we are.”

Unlike one the Architech's guardian, which I believe the Bishop commented on at the time. (Reference to Ian's earlier works - apologies to the rest of the board)

>     Ã¢â‚¬Å“Princess Uhunalura too? I should have guessed once Nats crashed my party. So who would you transfer the being-evil psionic surgery to, exactly? Who gets to be their evil twin?”
>     Uhuna had no answer for that.

Cromlyn, of course...

>     Al B. hammered the mind-control field into the room to take down the unidentified intruder as he’d taken down Hatman and Nats.
>     Every Spawn of Umsharr everywhere began to scream as their minds plunged into the Shoggoth’s.
>     Hello, the Shoggoth greeted the squid-headed psionics across the thirty-two realms. So you want to know what I’m thinking, do you?

That's always bad news...

>     The bathroom door almost flew from its hinges as it was kicked open. Cromlyn swung round right into Visionary’s fist. Then his other fist. Then his first fist again.
>     Vizh kept on repeating the formula until he’d run out of breath and Cromlyn was a pulped heap bleeding on the floor.

Channeling Carl?

> Next Time: We come back down to Earth without the Lair Legion as various other contenders settle their conflicting claims once and for all – and the winner gets to go on and meet with Onslaughter in the final!

Something to look forward to. Not enough game shows horribly slaughter the victors.

As is always the case with my writing, please feel free to comment. I welcome both positive and negative criticism of my work, although I cannot promise to enjoy the negative.

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